Definder - what does the word mean?

What is zinned?

Something you say whenever you feel like revving your voice box.

Joe offers Rob a line, Rob replys "zin zin"

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zinned - meme gif

zinned meme gif

zinned - video


Zinned - what is it?

V. To mix a cleveland steamer and a cherry pie and then subsequently light the person on fire

I zinned the girl so bad she went to the hospital
Some guy tried to zin me but I counterzinned him and he never showed his scarred face again.

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What does "zinned" mean?

The Zins is the destined name for the decade comprised of the years 2000 through 2009. The name is derived from the long form 'The Two Thousands', which could be pronounced in a more modern dialect as 'The Two Thouzins', and then shortened to the ever infectious 'The Zins'. When compared to other popular names 'The Aughts' and 'The O-O's' in a slides-off-the-tounge competition, there's really no contest.

"Man, the zins where a cruddy decade for pop culture!"
"I can't wait for the zins to be over so we can get Will Smith back."

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Zinned - what does it mean?

A fortnite player signed to APA esports aspiring to join the coveted NRG Team. He’s funny as shit and he pretty fucking cool. He also likes to jerk off. Use code Shamefulll in the fortnite shop!

Yo is that a zin? Yeah he a fucking esport player bruh! Sick!

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Zinned - meaning

An unexplainable feeling/connection between two minds that brings the two to spark an unbelievable read. They are aloud to catch each others phrases in many ironic times. To be able to finish eachothers sentences..

"That car is going to crash.."

"..into that tree!"

(car crashes)

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Zinned - definition

Abbreviation for buzzing, when a person is happy with a situation.

buzzing happy

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Zinned - slang

To get zinned is to be given a test/quiz in school that is too hard to pass. This word can also be conjugated to "zinn" where you are about to fail your test.

Dude, were about to get zinned on this math test, theres NO WAY anybody is passing!

Damn im going to zinn that test so badly!

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someone who loves butterflies, cupcakes, Faces, decorating, singing, Walking on Water, bows, all colors, and most importantly Jesus.

What a zinny!

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means nothing... created at whrhs

"i really did"
"yea zins"

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Zin is a legend. A real OG. A person with a name of Greek origin, Zin is someone that can literally do everything, adapt to any situation and get along with everyone. A very likeable person who will most likely be remembered by anyone who has ever crossed paths with them.

I know that guy from somewhere! Who is he again?
He's the one, the only, the legend! ZIN!

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