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What is yukon rockslide?

Deriving sexual pleasure from having your leg stuck in a bear trap whilst getting punched in the face

Damn, I got yukon rockslide'd earlier today

πŸ‘27 πŸ‘Ž11

yukon rockslide - video


Yukon rockslide - what is it?

A sexual act in which one person is punched repeatedly while their leg is securely caught in a bear trap.

She said I was too vanilla, so I hit her with the Yukon Rockslide. Missionary probably would have been better because I'm in jail now obviously.

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

What does "yukon rockslide" mean?

State in which a male or female needs to have a leg in a bear trap and getting punched in the face in order to climax during sexual intercourse

We tried so many positions that just wouldn’t do to for me. I ended up having to do a Yukon Rockslide just to finish.

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

Yukon rockslide - what does it mean?

Sexual position where you have your leg in a bear trap and get punched in the face while cumming.

Vanilla sex is great, it's not my fault you have to do the yukon rockslide to cum.

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

Yukon rockslide - meaning

Sex position that allows one to ejaculate. The position itself requires one’s leg to be trapped in a bear trap and to be consistently punched by their significant other.

Husband: Hey honey, what’s that bear trap for?

Wife: Oh it’s for when we do the Yukon Rockslide later tonight!

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

Yukon rockslide - definition

When you gotta have your leg stuck in a bear trap and get punched in the face to cum.

Jim: I wish my significant other enjoyed missionary position, but I have to pull off a Yukon Rockslide to even stand a chance in bed.

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

Yukon rockslide - slang

A sex position in which you put your leg in a bear trap and get punched in the face.

She was a freak, even asked for a Yukon Rockslide

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

Yukon rockslide

When you stick your leg in a bear trap and getting punched in the face to cum

this fuckin dude was so anti-vanilla he had to get the yukon rockslide treatment to finish

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

Yukon rockslide

Having your leg caught in a bear trap while getting punched in the face to cum

I gave that bitch a Yukon rockslide. Wonder why she hasn't called back?...

πŸ‘27 πŸ‘Ž13