Definder - what does the word mean?

What is you clowning?

They got over on you.

Trace and Jett stole your design ideas. Dude, they Clowned you.

👍25 👎11

you clowning - video


You clowning - what is it?

Reserved For Only The Most Clowniest Of Clowns.

Person 1: *Says Something Stupid*
Person 2: What The Fuck?
Person 3: You Are Not A Clown, You Are The Entire Circus
Person 4: I Exist? I EXIST!!!!

👍25 👎11

What does "you clowning" mean?

2 glocks on 22gz, how you got clowned for a bacon egg and cheese?

2 glocks on 22gz, how you got clowned for a bacon egg and cheese?

👍39 👎19

You clowning - what does it mean?

something one would say if your angry about something.
a random obscenity.

"Dude, your being such a jerk!"
"Yeah, well, f*** you and your clown shoes!"

👍45 👎23

You clowning - meaning

When someone makes to many jokes, whether if they are good or bad you can tell him that he really ate a clown for breakfast.

Person: If i was you, i wouldn't look in the mirror today.

Person 2: Why?

Person 1: Because you don't want to be to blame for the mirror breaking

Person 2: Wow dude, did you ate a clown for breakfast or what?

👍37 👎11

You clowning - definition

To train. In a prison environment to Clown someone refers to training them.Making them do what you want etc.

Boy imma clown you

👍51 👎31

You clowning - slang

synonymous to "Fuck You!", but better; used with a high-pitched, skewed voice for more impact.

"You look ugly."

"Fuck you, clown!"

👍67 👎59

You clowning

Means that you are either "capping" or speaking far from the truth

Example:Jonothan said the earth is flat

You reply with "you clowning"

👍25 👎11