Definder - what does the word mean?

What is yody?

a yodie is a stick, a wang, or a big black wang

Get that yodie out of your mouth

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yody - meme gif

yody meme gif

yody - video


Yody - what is it?

Yo + brodie/whoadie

Aii yodie imma talk to you later.
Yodie where the splif at?

👍25 👎11

What does "yody" mean?

"Yodi" derived from the word "Cayote", referring to their wild species. Can be used to describe someone who is acting wild.

"Yo, you're movin' like a whole ass yodi right now fham". - K.J

👍33 👎15

Yody - what does it mean?

Equivalent of shalom. Can mean anything from hello,wassup,how's it hanging, or what you doin.

1.Dude, yodi?

2.Not much.

👍77 👎39

Yody - meaning


Dude that Bad-ass truck is Fucking yodie

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Yody - definition

Very inspiring & beautiful woman. Has a smile that can brighten a room & stop any man in his tracks. She has an unusual gift of always helping others & putting their needs first. This person is a rare gem to have and never let go. Besides being giving person she is also forgiving which makes her nieve.

Yodi (inspiring), Yodi (Beautiful), Yodi (Kind), Yodi (thoughtful), Yodi (happy)

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Yody - slang

cool, pimp, awesome.

"Man that was so yodie"

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In old Chinese the word "yodi" was also used to seal a bond between two people. It also means love and happiness.
In the modern blogosphere, it means random rants.

In Iloilo, a province in the Philippines, it is used as a usual everyday communication which means "alright!"

In the blogosphere: "I like your everyday yodi yodi on your blog."

Iloilo expression: "Oh you got a brand new car, yodi ah!!"

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To be faded then a hoe.

yo I'm yodied as fuck right now

Are you yodied?

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to look like Yoda from Star Wars

I feel for that yody kid,I bet his mama even calls him Yoda with them big ears.

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