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What is ykts?

Young Kikky Team The Biggest Ballers going nd not shy of a fight rivals are anyone who isn’t YKT

Aww Fuck It’s YKT

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Ykts - what is it?

You know the score

YKTS = You Know The Score.
2000s expression commonly preceded by:
Hardcore, you know the score, rhymes so good they deserve an encore

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What does "ykts" mean?

You Know the Scouts
A phrase often used by rapper Sheck Wes

The scouts know I don't do drugs. YKTS know I don't do drugs.

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Ykts - what does it mean?

"you know that", a phrase used on the website relentlessly.

Woo hoo, twin 50s on my harris pinto'd Mk1, YKT!

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Ykts - meaning

β€œYou Know The Shits”

YKTS, a lot of teenagers use that phrase now on snapchat and social media. You don’t say β€œykts” you say out loud β€œ you know the shits”.

β€œ That’s my bitch, ykts”

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