Definder - what does the word mean?

What is That’s my bitch?

An individual who belongs to you, and you own.

Hannah: Hey Matthew, you’re my bitch

Matthew: How?

Hannah: I own you

Matthew: Sounds about right

👍85 👎29

That’s my bitch - video


That’s my bitch - what is it?

a person you own.

Margaret is my bitch-erica

👍955 👎475

What does "That’s my bitch" mean?

my bitch, an affectionate way that someone might refer to their girlfriend as, a word used by the likes of chavs and 'playas' although prefferably not infront of their girlfriend's parents as this will result in the father 'weighing' the chav

boyfriend: yo homies, dis ma bitch
father: you disrespectful little shit. come here, dont run away from me, oiht! come back here where are you going, there's no need to cry! stop it you little bastard

👍1543 👎575

That’s my bitch - what does it mean?

Being owned by someone sexually... Jumping to their every whim

"You can be my bitch!"

👍1377 👎501

That’s my bitch - meaning

A person being owned by someone in a relationship,your bitch can be your girlfriend or boyfriend it can go both ways

Lily:Ezra your my bitch right?

Ezra:yes babe always will be
Other term
Marcus:babe your my bitch

Beth:yes babe

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That’s my bitch - definition


You're my bitch, accept it.

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That’s my bitch - slang

typically used as a girlfriend thing.

This your bitch?
Yeah, she's my bitch.

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That’s my bitch

A term of endearment, which when used in the right context is the highest form of compliment.

Hey Brittanie?

Yes Ivan?

You my bitch, right?

You know it baby!!

👍411 👎91

That’s my bitch

an individual who belongs to you.

the entire american population under the u.s. government.

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That’s my bitch

Someone who’s ur best friend and would do any shit for u.

Taylor: who’s that skanky girl over there?
Amy: that’s my bitch, Karen, mess with her and you mess with me!!

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