Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Aww Fuck?

1. Extreme dissapointment, sadness, loss, rejection and slight fear of some sort.

2. Strange form of horniness.

1. "Aww fuck me cunt I dropped the weeed."

2. "Haarrrdeerr LARRY!"

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Aww Fuck - video


Aww Fuck - what is it?

The act of giving up on something, most likely when the individual in question has not even tried to perform the task.

Craig - "dude, u should really get that 15 page thesis done, its due tomorrow!"
Rogelio - "aww fuck it!"
Craig - (under his breath) "Lazy bastard!"

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What does "Aww Fuck" mean?

An expression to say that something bad has happend, or is about to happen.

AWW FUCK, i stubbed my fuckin toe.

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