Definder - what does the word mean?

What is yigs?

Young Innocent Gash

Come on lads lets hit the town and find some fresh YIG

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Yigs - what is it?

A person who repels other people. Usually chronically overweight.

Don’t be a yig.

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What does "yigs" mean?

Repels women.

He’s such a fucking yig

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Yigs - what does it mean?

A word used by that of private schools, to describe young, attractive females.

'There's some good yig in the year below'

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Yigs - meaning

Yeah okay; yes

"I am going out right now, Yig"
-Are you really going to game all night? -Yig.

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Yigs - definition

A god from the Cthulhu Mythos which is the father of snakes, he is easy to please, but he is also easy to anger. Watch out, if you kill a snake on his watch he'll turn you into one (or a half-snake/ half-human hybrid, depends on whom you ask) or simply kill you. Natives consider him bad medicine, so stay the F-word away.

Snake-men such as Dick Cheney worship Yig.

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Yigs - slang

Youth In Government. A youth program run by the YMCA. YIG has 3 functions: Model Assemblye which models state legislature, Model United Nations which models the UN and Conference on national affairs. It is run in about 34 states. Also known as YAG/Youth and Government

Billy was very invovled in YIG

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Yig is an acronym which stands for "Yes, I'm Gay." It is often used in chat rooms when the room goes quiet to start up conversation again.

Rene: Yig
Devin: OMG yig2!!!

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Just a word you call someone as it sounds like an insult I can be whatever you want it to mean really.

Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking yig

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interchangable with the word yee. usually used with excitment. see also yiggities.

"You tryna hit a blunt?"

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