Definder - what does the word mean?

What is yara?

Yall Are Real Assholes.

Bob: Pass the cock soup!!
Steve: You want the cock soup?
Me: Yara

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yara - meme gif

yara meme gif

yara - video


Yara - what is it?

Noun: a lighter (used in South London)

bob: shit this is out, pass the yara
bill: hi got a yara?

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What does "yara" mean?

Peruvian slur for "watch out" or "be careful".

"Yara causa, ahorita nos meten plomo"

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Yara - what does it mean?

yara`s are wonderful mexican chicks who are nice and kind but dont get at her when shes pissed!!!! shes awesome and calm during the day but loves to party majorly at night. She`s a great friend companion and company. love to hang out with nikki`s.

Guy1: have you seen the new chick yara
Guy2: yup i want to marry her and never ever leave her
Guy1: dont we all?

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Yara - meaning

yara is a dank ass meme

"Damn it's Yara, she's a dank meme"

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Yara - definition

a sweetheart, loved by everyone, yara is truly a wonder. shes so beautiful and sexy, any guy would be lucky to have her. she happens to be very horny and loves sex and shes really good at it. shes a big turn on to most guys and most consider her as a sex god. she knows how to have a good time. shes a good friend, always there for people and gives amazing advice. anyone that has a yara is quite lucky.

i just fucked yara, damn shes soo good at it

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Yara - slang

kind of person who says what she likes or not. honest. A good friend.

Me: I like it and you?
Yara: No, I don't

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Yara is the type of girl that is better than everyone,popular,pretty,and sexy,if you find someone like her your lucky cause she's a rare one,she's just pertect,and when boys see her they fall in love,she's usually better than Jessica's,Emily's,and Emma's.

Yara is so damn pretty you should date her

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the fisrt drops of rain
the bloom of flowers
fisrt days of spring
a golden bracelet
a flower in heaven
a friend in an old lang
the Godess of water
An Angel

yara angel is the Godness of water

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a very amazing human being sent by the heavens. she doesn’t fly but sure is high cuz of her smile! best girl in the world and kin’s favourite girl.

someone: who do you love the most?
kin: someone named yara, my forever <3

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