Definder - what does the word mean?

What is yaka?

A combination of yaddimean and yackamundo, yaka-darr-mundo is a slang term for saying "Do you know what I mean?" Utilized by the late Mac Dre and E-40 along with a host of Bay Area linguistic experts, the use of the term has been associated with knowledge of underground Bay Area rap and especially popular in amongst black adolescents.

I need to pick up some trees, yaka-darr-mundo?
In this case, the talker is requesting to pick up marijuana and is probably talking to his friend or "homie."

I've been working all day and Im tired man, lets spark up yaka-darr-mundo?
The speaker has had a long day at work, probably a minimum wage job at either a grocery store or a low paying auto shop, and now all he wants to do his smoke marijuana with his buddies, or "doggs"

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yaka - meme gif

yaka meme gif

yaka - video


Yaka - what is it?


Do you know hes a yaka ma ring gay

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What does "yaka" mean?

Yaka ma ring gay means bum bandit

Take care ive heard he likes yaka ma ring gay

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Yaka - what does it mean?

it is bigger than a boo yaa, which is slang for a 12 gauge detonation. this is like both barrels or say a piano falls on yer head or say a large rifle caliber goes off (.50 bmg or .700 action express) and shoots a cashier at stop n go and rips him in half. if a boo yaa its usually boo yaa boo yaa but boo-yaka-shaw is only used once.

you got a 12 gauge loaded with slugs and this punk starts talkin wak and every time you shoot him you tear off a shoulder and arm or blow offa leg. thats boo-yaka-shaw

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Yaka - meaning

is another word for pussy

Boy 1: Yo bro, i want some Yaka-taca tonight.

Boy 2: Better call Becky, she gives it up fast.

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Yaka - definition


An impressive, nerdy, and often useless mental or physical ability.


A term used to describe something that is nerdy and cool at the same time.

It is the accidental brainchild of Baroness Susan Greenfieldidiot, who, on one of her regular rants warning about the dangers of the internet on the brain, said that modern technology would result in a generation of people obsessed with 'yuck and wow'; this was mis-transcribed, and subsequently printed as 'yaka-wow'.

Its dual use as a noun or an adjective is similar to that of the irish word craic. It is also extremely phonologically pleasing as a phrase.

The yaka-wow is strong in you.

Being able to simultaneously apply two socks is very yaka-wow.

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Yaka - slang

A word used to express an emotion such as, happyiness, excitement, or hornyness.

Also used to fill in silent, or awkward moments.

Mom: "We're getting pizza tonight!"

Son: "Yaka Mumu!"

Example 2:

Girl: "How do you feel about this shirt on me?"

Silent/Awkward moment..

Guy: "Yaka Mumu!" **runs away*

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Sound when a basketball goes through the hoop while catching part of the rim

The guard mad his 3rd Yaka today!

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A pretty funny anf maybe slim person who doesnt care what others think. Very nice and will not reject others.

Hey yaka ! Whats up !

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This is like sayin that's whats up.

Kam: I scored a hundred points yesterday in the basketball game.
Bill Cosby: Yaka yaka f'sugardale.

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