Definder - what does the word mean?

What is yahir?

A good friend with a great personality and funny when sober, but after a couple of drinks he turns into an asshole that you cant stand to be around. Starts making out with anyone, which means you have a chance!

Your acting like Yahir.....Stupid

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yahir - meme gif

yahir meme gif

yahir - video


Yahir - what is it?

An awesome Mexican that lives in a lonely place and a total bad ass. but due to Asians he is an Asian. and to some he is a crazy-sexy-asiacan-beast. and sometimes cute to both sexual persuasions

that dude reminds me of a Yahir

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What does "yahir" mean?

ZaZa expert

Yahir smokes sm ZaZa

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Yahir - what does it mean?

Yahir are the best in the bed they are cute and chill don’t ever get in his bad side cause you regret that they’ll be there for you no matter What .they are fine and chill the best in bed and they are smart

Yahir is good yahirs are chill

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Yahir - meaning

A Mexican boy who loves soccer, cook, and have a great personality. Loves taking care of her girl and family. His also very freaky and cuteπŸ₯΅

Damm yahir is just great for me.

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Yahir - definition

A good mexican friend with a great personality and cool to get along with. He backs up his friends whenever something goes wrong. Plays soccer, cooks some good ass tacos, and has a way with the girls. He is charming ,Good looking, and very hot. He's just perfect

Have you met Yahir He's so cool

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Yahir - slang

Yahir appears to be a new coinage and there are conflicting sources as to its etymology. It seems most likely that the name developed from the Biblical Hebrew name Yair meaning β€œhe shines”

Yahir is the best freak'n person I ever met he is so sweet

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Mexican Jim carrey

yahir is now jim carrey

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yahir is a quiet person but once he finds comfort in you, he will show his goofy side. if you get on his bad side, be careful foo. yahir is a heartbreaker, dont get too attached to him. he can be a good person but stay alert. he has the face of an angel, but the heart of a devil.

ay wey yahir's that one blak chingon motherfucker.

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yahir is a fucking angel ok. this boy is fucking precious and absolutely adorable. he is an angel sent from heaven. if y’all have a yahir remember to take care of this angel ok. ( also this bitch cute af A HOTTIE OK πŸ₯΅)

i love yahir so fucking much

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