Definder - what does the word mean?

What is xenogender?

Xenogedner is all non-binary/genderqueer gender related to person intrest. These gender identities are typically defined metaphorically in relation to animals, plants, things or sensory characteristics. Some nonbinary people have mental variations (mental illnesses, neurological conditions, or neurodivergence). Some who have mental variations see these as an influence on-- or an inseparable part of-- their gender identity. These are called neurogenders, and most of them are not described on this page, but on the neurogender page. A person can have more than a one xenogender. Some people find it easier to perceive their gender identity by evoking familiar archetypes. Instead of giving references to how their gender relates to maleness and femaleness, they say their gender is-- or is like-- a kind of animal, an imaginary being, a part of nature, an abstract concept, or a symbol.

Alex said that he is catgender, that means that he uses xenogender.

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xenogender - meme gif

xenogender meme gif

xenogender - video

Xenogender - what is it?

A xenogender is a gender that can't be entirely described by human concepts of gender, like male, female, or no gender.

It can be complicated, but xenogenders are often described as feeling like objects, sensations, songs, feelings, concepts, etc.

Some people may create xenogenders based on things of comfort/interest to them.

Xenogenders are not transphobic and they are completely valid and real.

Ringo: I have a xenogender! Mine feels like the way bubbles look and move when you blow on them.
Riley: Sweet! My xenogenders don't feel like that, but one of mine feels like the way my keyboard feels when I press the keys.
Marco: I don't have xenogenders, but I'm not going to be a jerk and pretend I know your gender better than you guys do. I'm glad you've found yourselves. :D

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What does "xenogender" mean?

Xenogender is a term that is used to refer to describe what someone's gender feels like to them. It is a great tool that many use to express their individuality and how they feel they are inside, and was originally intended to help neurodivergent people discuss their gender with others.

People who use xenogenders don't actually identify their gender as the word they've used prefacing "-gender". (ex. cat-gender doesn't mean that person identifies as a cat.)

There is a misconception that using one of these makes someone trans and/or nonbinary. This is untrue. Xenogenders are made for everyone to find what describes them best, and even cisgender people can (and do) use them and new neopronouns to describe their more unique feelings of themselves to others.

However, it is primarily LGBT+ people, particularly nonbinary people, who use them currently. But that doesn't mean that you can assume the gender of someone based on a xenogender identity. (For example, binary trans people use these as well, and using a xenogender doesn't make them a nonbinary person.)

"I heard that person is using a xenogender catgender and cat pronouns now. What, they identify as a cat?"

"Actually, no. Someone who is cat gender isn't identifying as a cat. They aren't trans-species. That person probably feels that cat's gender is small and warm or something like that. I'm sure cat would be willing to explain it to you if you asked cat."

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Xenogender - what does it mean?

A Xenogender is a gender that is made for peoples interests/struggles. It is most commonly used by neurodivergentpeople because they have more intense interests than others. Some neurodivergent people have a more complicated relationship with gender so these help with that also!

Josh is autistic and using a xenogender helps them with being comfortable with their gender

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Xenogender - meaning

Somebody who doesn't identify as a man, nor as a woman, nor even as any variation in between. Xenogender people are just on another spectrum, or on multiples other spectrums at a time.

Not to be confused with aliens or extra-terrestrials, as those two categories do come from outer space, while xenogenders are born on Earth, and yet identifying to anything not male nor female, nor variations.

Constable: Are you male or female?
Xenogender: Oh, don't you know anything? I'm xenogender, do your own research and educate yourself!

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Xenogender - definition

xenogenders are rooted into mocking trans and non binary people and overall just making them and moreso the entire lgbtq community as a whole look like a joke


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Xenogender - slang

a mentally chalanged and cronically online furry

Emily: hey guys, i have a confession, i use many xenogender, but i am mainly catgender u-uwu… that means my gender is as cuddly and soft as a kitty-kat meow~!
Chad: kill yourself

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The term 'xenogender' was coined on tumblr, and evolved from a joke attempting to mock the trans community, into a community of teens creating "genders" and fitting pronouns out of interests, characteristics or likes and dislikes.
This is extremely hurtful to the trans community, as it can lead to the trans community being taken less seriously and therefore trans healthcare being harder to access for trans individuals.

Xenogenders are actively harming the trans community.

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someone who is so desperate to get into the lgbt community that they take one thing they like and say they have a gender connection to it, but if you say it’s not valid, then you’re clearly transphobic!1!11!1!πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ

split dyed hair bunny hat alt kid: β€œi use a xenogender, froggender, and im super valid because i feel a gender connection to frogs!!111”

actual trans person: shut up you’re delusional.”

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a xenogender is a gender identity outside of the binary (also known as neogenders), usually made by a neurodivergent person. some neurodivergent people interpret life and society differently. due to this, they may also interpret social constructs such as gender differently. a neurodivergent person may struggle trying to find a term that fits their gender so they take something of comfort and make a gender identitiy tied to it! hence a xenogender! most xenogenders are based on objects such as mindsets, plants, animals and other things people may find comfort in!

xenogenders are awesome!! it’s so great that people who may have trouble understanding gender are able to find terms that fit them

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