Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wynnum?

Wynnum is known for violence and criminal activity but also seen as a beautiful suburb on the bayside

β€œYou will get robbed at night in wynnum”

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wynnum - meme gif

wynnum meme gif

wynnum - video


Wynnum - what is it?

Wynnum is a suburb of Brisbane known for having the most short bus riders

You seen those Wynnum boys packed in that short bus

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What does "wynnum" mean?

Notorious group of good looking, intelligent people online that like to complain about fireworks, helicopters, roaming dogs, group cyclists, whilst supporting their local clubs β€œup the gullies” or β€œup the mighty buggies” and occasionally doing a vorteke.

β€œ did ya have a guise at the Wynnum what page and see some punk let fireworks off again”

β€œGood dam helichoppa at it again, wonder why? Might have a guise at the Wynnum what”

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Wynnum - what does it mean?

The Bronx of Brisbane. Gunshots are frequently heard in the neighbourhood

Lets not go to Wynnum, I don't want to get shot!

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