Definder - what does the word mean?

What is vorteke?

Adam Duart Trealor

Adam is the Vorteke King followed by Lachie

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vorteke - video


Vorteke - what is it?

A Vorteke is when a male likes to show other males by using a bottle of alcohol, that he can lick the shaft, Suck the tip, deepthroat and swallow the fluid!

Male 1 : Give us a Vorteke G
Male 2 : *Does Vorteke
Male 1 : *Gets Hard

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What does "vorteke" mean?

An (island slang) alternate to the verb 'Vortex' where one spins a bottle of typically alcohol and skulls it.

Bro give us a vorteke
*proceeds to spin a Long White forming a vorteke and skulking it

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Vorteke - what does it mean?

When a male species spins a bottle of alcohol beverage up In the air, so he can skull it back in one go to impress a wahine, in hopes she’ll be impressed and end up giving him some teke, that is called a vorteke

Hey wiremu give us a vorteke,

Chur girl I gotchu (does vorteke)
Mean woods is that us

(Wiremu & Rangi disappears to the back of the garage)

To be continued...

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