Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wippy?

Funny nickname for having an accident

Person: Uh oh did baby have a wippy slippy?

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wippy - meme gif

wippy meme gif

wippy - video


Wippy - what is it?

aarons a ball snatcher

ur a tippie wippie

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What does "wippy" mean?

Someone who dresses like a Hippie, and a Wigger.

Jon: Look at that kid, see how he is wearing baggie jeans, a tye dye shirt, and a hemp necklace.
Kate:Hell yea what a Hippie and a Wigger
Jon: The cool kids call him a Higger Wippie

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Wippy - what does it mean?

A combination of a Wippy Dippy and a DuckDuck. Basically a fast and intense face fucking.

A Wippy Dippy being a quick sexual act and a DuckDuck being an aggressive and intense form of fellatio, ergo, the Wippy DuckDuck.

Sorry bro gotta call you back, I'm about to get a Wippy DuckDuck!

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Wippy - meaning

The act of wipping it out and dipping it in. Most commonly used in a sexual refference. Also known as a quicky in northern vernacular

Kurt: Hey where did you take off to last night?
Mark: I had to give that Cougar the Wippy Dippy.

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Wippy - definition

a wippie is a combination of a wiccan and a hippie

did you see that wippie mini-van with all the stickers on it?

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Wippy - slang

A wanna be hippie...a poser... someone who wants to be something they have no idea what the concept is

Look at you trying to be a wippie

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the term for a cold sore found on the lip/mouth area

"Ewww! That girl has a nasty looking wippy!"

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Sperm toast

ItΒ΄s been a long time since a good olΒ΄wippy sweet ladies

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A croissant filled with sperm and strawberries.

Eat Your wippy and shut the fuck up!

One double wippy with a cappuciono, please.

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