Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wet backing?

When after the act of sex, your female partner straddles your back placing her wet pussy on your back & rubbing it up and down.

I like to play Modern Warfare after sex, when i do my woman loves to watch me play wet backing me.

👍33 👎15

wet backing - video


Wet backing - what is it?

Wet back refers to central americans not hispanics. Bean pickers.

Look at those wet backs and theyre low riders.

👍201 👎197

What does "wet backing" mean?

Racial Slang. Refers to any Hispanic
immigrant, particularly those of illegal
origin (the implication being that a wet
back results from crossing river borders
by swimming). Generally considered to be
a slur, offensive. Also "wetback".

Every summer, they hired a bunch of wet
backs to work the fields, and paid them
under the table.

👍2121 👎2197

Wet backing - what does it mean?

A mexican racial slang slur. It is also meant by mexican workers in teh fields working while sweat accumulates upon their backs. Hence the name "wet back"

Hey you damn wet back, get your ass over here.

👍455 👎337

Wet backing - meaning

mexicans, illigal immigrants

man that wet back likes tacos

👍1281 👎727

Wet backing - definition

A mexican with no green card, too lazy to get one; therefore swims to the U.S thus becoming a "wet-back".

The Wet-backs pick srawberries, work our fast foods, and sell flowers, oranges, cherries etc. on main streets.

👍325 👎143

Wet backing - slang

Illegal aliens from Mexico.
As the land near the USA-Mexico border is mainly very hot desert, the people who try to illegal cross the border on foot often become very sweaty. As a result, their backs are wet with sweat and they are known by this feature.

I saw a bunch of wet backs down by the Wal-Mart.

👍879 👎405

Wet backing

A derogitory term used to describe illegal immigrants from Mexico. This originates from them jumping the boat and swimming to shore (undetected) hence having 'wet backs'.

"Those lousy wet backs never do any work"

"Damn Robin's a filthy wet back!
....yeah so's Dolly man"

"That guy's a bit too wet back for my liking"

👍1821 👎719

Wet backing

Mexicans coming into the U.S.A by swiming

👍947 👎321

Wet backing

Originally a nick name for Mexicans greaser, beaner, pepper belly, either legally or illegally in the country. Originated in the American Southwest border states, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. Through common usage has come to mean citizens of any nation who have immigrated here illegally.

Most wet backs sure are hard working, cheap laborers.

👍4067 👎1285