Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wessexing?

An UK term that means a phony tough male or butch lesbian that sports a thin veneer of toughness to everyone, all the time. See also "Jack the lad"

That wessex boy thinks he's hard. He won't think he's so tough when he's picking up his teeth with broken fingers.

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wessexing - meme gif

wessexing meme gif

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Wessexing - what is it?

the act of sex when you shit on your partners back and tell him/her that this cute little hedgehog lives there from now on

Ist it ok if i give you a wessex backpoo-hedgehog tonight? i have already bought the salt-sticks

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What does "wessexing" mean?

the skankiest shittiest most fucking dumb school.

going to kings of wessex makes me want to fucking top myself

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Wessexing - what does it mean?

A little place that can afford a staff room but not glue sticks

The kings of Wessex think they’re really posh but they are really not.

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Wessexing - meaning

To have a massive shit.

I just Wessex Watered that bog!

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Wessexing - definition

When you have a danger wank and spaff all over anything or anyone in the close vicinity.

Thought of whilst on a ferry back from Iles of Wight

See that car, its gonna get a good wessexing, sit in the back seat, wack one out and spaff on the driver!

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Wessexing - slang

A friend which will only be pleased when you purchase him Garfield kart

Damn my gf left me and killed my parents

Buy me Garfield kart

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