Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ist?

what you get when you mistype its while typing online.

usually sounds better than its

d00d, this ist the shit.

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Ist - meme gif

Ist meme gif

Ist - video


Ist - what is it?

Full form : I see typing
Used when you just saw the other person typing but then they cancelled it. Used to force out something the other person is hesitating to say.

to the above mentioned.

He: *typing*

Me: IST what was that about lol
See use: UT ( useless text) : reply

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What does "Ist" mean?

if (we're) still talking - used in the sort of super-heated relationship which might flame tomorrow

Person 1 :I just want you to do Monte Carlo with me in May

Person 2 : IST - I don't see we gonna get to Xmas !

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Ist - what does it mean?

"ist" is the combination of 'is' and 'it'.

"ist" is similar to, or the mere opposite of, "it's", which is a combination of 'it' and 'is'.

Child: Hey Baby! This looks like a fun game!
Baby: Really? What ist?

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Ist - meaning

The act of calling someone (insert group here)ist or (group here)phobic, in order to slander them or win an argument. Isting is a common tactic used by the SJWs and other β€œPC” groups to somehow come out on top in an argument or debate

β€œI got in a debate with Martha the other day and she totally started isting me, looks like she couldn’t justify her argument”

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Ist - definition

ISTG but for Satanists, so it is I Swear to Satan.

Matt: "yo becky, you got a thicccc ass"
Becky: "Matt, ISTS if you ever try to hit on me again I will have Brad punch you in the face."

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Ist - slang

German word for 'is'.

Person 1: "Das ist ein Hund."

Person 2: "Why are you speaking German?"

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Means "Indian Standard Time." We have or own standard time, because we always show up about 1-2 hours late to everything.

If you're havin a party at 2, expect us to be there around 3:30.

If you want us to be at your party at 2, then tell us it starts at 12.

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(n.) A person who detests any kind of "-ist" (optimist, racist, sexist, feminist etc.). One who hates labeling of groups of people with similar views, interests, etc.

Richard believes that anything labeled under the "-ist" category is less than honorable and overall untrustworthy; he is an ists-ist.

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In today’s America, if you happen to be white and conservative, and if you have the nerve to publicly state an opinion that is contrary to the liberal ~ opinion du jour, you will earn an β€œist” title. Racist, sexist, white supremacist, misogynist, chauvinist, extremist, alarmist, egotist, obstructionist, segregationist and antlesbiangaybisexualtransgenderquerrintersexasexualist.

Richard has an opinion that offends me, therefore he is an ist.

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