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What is werewolf's?

A game that requires quite a large group of people. Each player is a villager in a town.


A minimum of 2 players are chosen as werewolves and are not allowed to tell their role to the other players. Every night they eat one of the non-werewolf players, taking them out of the game.

The next day the villagers vote on who they think is a werewolf. Whoever gets the most votes is banished. The other players find out whether they are a werewolf or not. The player that is chosen is then out of the game, whether they were innocent or not.

One of the villagers also has a secret power which they, like the werewolves, are not allowed to tell anyone. These are called Seers. They can choose one villager at a time and see whether they are a werewolf or not. If they find a werewolf they have to try and convince the other players to vote for that person without giving their role away.

This cycle repeats until either all the werewolves have been found or all the villagers have been eaten.

Person #1 - I think Person #2 is the werewolf.
Person #2 - I think Person #1 is the werewolf.
Person #3 - I think Person #2 is the werewolf.
Game host - Person #2 has the most votes and is therefore banished. I can now reveal that Person #2 was innocent.
Person #3 - Darn

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Werewolf's - what is it?

A human that has the ability to turn to a wolf. Some have ears and tails of a wolf while others fully hide it.

Wow a werewolf! I wonder if it will transform

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What does "werewolf's" mean?

A shapeshifter that changes from human to wolf during a full moon.

The werewolf is a common monster in fiction and literature.

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Werewolf's - what does it mean?

A way of avoiding temptations or doing something you know will have a bad consequences. Derived from the method used by a man of the lupine persuasion who sees a full moon and knows he's about to transform. He werewolfs himself by locking himself in a room for the safety of himself and others. Werewolfing involves cutting off cutting off communication like turning off your cell phone and computer, staying at home where it is safe and make sure you plenty of distractions like movies or video games. Getting high is a popular way to werewolf yourself.

On the 30 Rock episode, 'When It Rains, It Pours', Tracy Jordan werewolfs himself so he can be there for the birth of his daughter.

Alcoholic #1: Did you ask Sam if he wants to come out and get wasted with us tonight?

Alcoholic #2: I did but he’s werewolfing himself because he has to work at 6am tomorrow.

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Werewolf's - meaning

Derived from the Anglo Saxan word "Were" meaning Man, combined with Wolf. A Werewolf is a normal human being, but on full moons transforms into a big beastly wolf-like creature, the person tends to lose their mind when they transform, having no control over said beast. In some movies and books such as Underworld the person may be capable of controlling the Werewolf side, it tends to differ from series to series. But generally its very painful to turn into a Werewolf.

Greg stared up at the glistening radiant full moon, not caring to notice his best friend Steve had begun screaming in pain and agony, his clothes were ripping, his fingernails were growing long and pointy, his face began to lengthen and form something simillar to a snout. Greg knew he'd better get out of there, and fast, before his Werewolf friend turned on him.

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Werewolf's - definition

The best affliction one can obtain in a scary movie. Werewolves can only be killed by silver whereas vampires are killed by crosses, stakes, holy water, and the death of their vampiric leader. According to the movie Van Helsing, the only thing that can kill Dracula is a werewolf.

Dracula: Ima bout' ta take over tha world!

Regular Guy: Oh Sh!T! Full moon! -changes into a werewolf-

Werewolf: Wussup now b!tch?!

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Werewolf's - slang

The question asked for the answer, "There, wolf."

Inga: Werewolf!
Dr. Frankenstein: Werewolf?
Igor: There.
Dr. Frankenstein: What?
Igor: There, wolf. There, castle.
Dr. Frankenstein: Why are you talking that way?
Igor: I thought you wanted to.
Dr. Frankenstein: No, I don't want to.
Igor: (shrugs) Suit yourself. I'm easy.

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A big boi who just wants some love but some people keep running away..........

Person 1: RUN, WEREWOLF!
Person 2: He just wants pets (petting werewolf)

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A sad boi who just wants pets but people keep running away from them....

Look, it's a Werewolf! Let's go pet it! *Happy werewolf noises*

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Immortal creature, 1/2 human, that turns into a wolf every Full Moon!

You could just tell she's a Werewolf even when it's not Full Moon!

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