Definder - what does the word mean?

What is weeble-wobble?

A word to define a woman with a big but it’s that simple

Man she got that weeble wobble, bro do you see what I see

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weeble-wobble - meme gif

weeble-wobble meme gif

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Weeble-wobble - what is it?

Slang an adjective to describe the feeling you get mixing an upper and downer together at the same time also can be used to describe the person place thing or event during said high ex : syn: John Belushi or speedball

Travis and I decided it was only right that we went on a weeble-wobble walk at 3 in the morning, honestly there's never a better time.

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What does "weeble-wobble" mean?

1) Another term for "pussy" as a noun that you use only when referring to the act of sex. As in "I'm going to get some pussy" Translated: "I'm going to get some weeble-weeble-wobble-wobble." Where it was originated was lost, but rumor has it that it was created by some Jewish young adults around the year 2006. This word has gone down in history as one of the most confusing words to use in a sentence.

2) Means getting some pussy at secret ebents.

Rambo: I'm just lookin' for a little Weeble-weeble-Wobble-wobble!
Zack: Ahhhhh HAAAAAA-Feyyyyyy...
Rambo: Ok, so maybe just a little AAIH AAIH. ;D

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Weeble-wobble - what does it mean?

A pussy

That bitch is probably at home right now with a black dilly in her weeble wobble

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Weeble-wobble - meaning

A person who can't stand still or walk in a straight line

Drunk or Sober

You going to make it to the bathroom weeble wobble?

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Weeble-wobble - definition

A fat bottomed girl from Struthers Ohio who weebles and wobbles like a penguin when she walks. A creature commonly made fun of and laughed at.

Did you just see weeble wobble? "Yeah she just walked her fat ass into all them people"

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Weeble-wobble - slang

Derogatory slang for a fat or bottom heavy person, based on the toys of the same name from the 70's.

"Weebles wobble but they don't fall down"
Check out that weeble wobble

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A joke within the context of the label Disciple Records. Eliminate and Bandlez have both released songs called Weeble Wobble, and Barely Alive has an upcoming song of the same name, teased as an ID at Parookaville 2019 and later confirmed in the Disciple Unboxing video. Another part of the joke is that all the songs sound different, leading to the phrase "Weeble Wobble is better than Weeble Wobble".

Person 1: Weeble Wobble is better than Weeble Wobble
Person 2: If you say that Weeble Wobble is better than Weeble Wobble but you gonna release a new Weeble Wobble, probably, this Weeble Wobble is it gonna be better than the Weeble Wobble that it's better than the other Weeble Wobble?

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Disparaging term for a fat dumbass.

Yo, that weeble-wobble ate 14 crispy sandwhiches today.

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