Definder - what does the word mean?

What is walley?

1. an annoying lightning bug

2. a bald-headed black skiddle diddle that thinks she's all that

3. anything thats little & black

4. anything's that's skimpy

i dont know why that bitch keeps staring at me... fucking peeny walley!

i know you didnt just give me that peeny walley piece of chicken

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walley - meme gif

walley meme gif

walley - video


Walley - what is it?

Perky breasts with off-center nipples pointing in opposing directions (not necessarily unattractive).

Man, dat bitch I wuz with last night had some fine Walleyed Titties!

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What does "walley" mean?

Emma Walley is the best person you could ever meet. She is pretty, kind, sweet, loyal, and always makes your day brighter. She will never stab you in the back and will stand up for you no matter what. She never fails to make you laugh!

Wow! Isn’t Emma Walley amazing?!

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Walley - what does it mean?

A toasted frozen waffle topped with butter and given a generous serving of relish (dill or sweet). Fold like a taco and enjoy!

Bizzy Walley, it'll get you laid. And it tastes good, too.

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Walley - meaning

When a woman lies on her back or gets on all fours and a male inserts his vasoline covered big toe into her anal passage. Originated from Orange County by a man with a big toe so big that girls would want him to fuck them with it.

That girl wanted to suck my toe after I gave her a filthy walley.

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Walley - definition

slang for Wal-Mart, implys that Wal-Mart has become a world within its self where you will see the same people buying the same crap everyday of the week.

I went to Walley World to buy nothing, but I bought a piece of crap that was made in China

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Walley - slang

when your eyes are kinda funky

Braden wishes he was walleyed

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no eye contact or a person who looks at the wall...

when ever I pass a walley I try to pass gas just to stink the hall way.
Most caleefornia's are walley sooo I just keeping passing gas..
Yo mexican thunder U walley babes no how to apb.....

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A person with the inability to look directly in front of him/herself with either eye, rather each eye looks at its respective wall (i.e. left or right wall), thus walleyed.

Dude, stand directly in front of Carlos, he won't be able to see you he's fucking walleyed.

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An indelicate term used to denote the occasion or common occurence of one's eye wandering involuntarily.
see lazy eye

"Oh, Christ, I ain't dancin' with no walleyed girl, Dale."

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