Definder - what does the word mean?

What is vinyle?

A word complete dumbasses use when they talk about multiple vinyl records. People that say vinyls are usually teenage or college girls that have a crosley turntable.

Hey man look at all these cool vinyls I got!

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vinyle - meme gif

vinyle meme gif

vinyle - video


Vinyle - what is it?

A polymer compound misrepresented by a certain female known by some as Gypsy

Vinyl be vinyl not music.

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What does "vinyle" mean?

Something today's youth are probably ignorant of.

I just bought AC/DC's For Those About To Rock on vinyl. It kicks ass!

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Vinyle - what does it mean?

1. a phonographic record(also applied to the plural use)

2. a song recorded on a phonographic record

(from the material the records were made of)

Vinyl records are no longer used by most ordinary people, but are still common among DJs.

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Vinyle - meaning

Well it's better than cd's (by a long shot).

Can be used for playing frisbee. Although I would not reccomend it.

Can be a pain if you don't feel like putting a vinyl on the record player.

Example 1. Person 1: Man Sublime is AWESOME!!!
Person 2: Hell Yeah they are! I just got there self titled on vinyl, it kicks ASS.

Example 2: I could listen to music on vinyl, but that gets annoying putting the vinyl on. Eh, I'll listen to it on cd instead. Not as good as vinyl, but is faster to put on.

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Vinyle - definition

The improper way of saying more than one vinyl. To someone who collects records, it's one of the most annoying things.

kid1: dude lets go to a record store. i need more vinyls
kid2: man you're such a douche.... vinyl plural is vinyl
kid1: who cares? you know what i meant...
kid2: just get some at vinyl collective and don't ever talk to me again...

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Vinyle - slang

1. Something with such an incredible amount of badass-ery that it's survived since the 1800's

2. Hella fucking crunk

I'm about to go VINYL UP IN THIS BITCH.

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Vinyl usually refers to Analog Long Playing Records (LPs). While vinyl is not as mainstream today as it was back in the day, the format is still in use. Vinyl records are considered to be more "warmer" and pleasant sounding than CDs.

Many audiophiles (and non-audiophiles) argue that Vinyl is superior to CD, and those people are correct in my opinion.

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Vinyl Discs. The grandfathers of CDs, vinyl discs are spun, mixed, and scratched by DJs.

Man, this vinyl that DJ is spinning is tha' shit!

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Not mathias making this ,, well tbh i love vinyle so yeah

Vinyle . . . . well Vinyle is a beatiful place tbh ,, all the people in there are supportive and nice ,, No one judges you except if u r trump , ur banned then ,, The community is so cool and chill too but they bark too much :( ,, mhhhm thinking about if this is a good idea tho but anyways ,, yΒ΄all cute there tbh , soobin cult and txt cults(? nice cults yes ,, and the staff are the cool and owners and everyone /sob ,, anyways what more..... OH

-amal and ayuka love jungkook 1!!!1!
-salad is salad tho
-lina will eat u if u dont stan namjoom
-stan the staff too! ,, love them mwah

Anyone who enter vinyle : wtf is this

Jake/Alpha of wolfs clan : just a daily day on vinyle....

meggie : barking with charlie and 666gec

bawi : asking myself why did i come back to vinyle

Everyone who enter to this : very confused uhm.. hi?

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