Definder - what does the word mean?

What is vibed out?

Smooth things out with anything, go through with it

I wanna vibe out with my career

👍25 👎11

vibed out - video


Vibed out - what is it?

To be emotionally tired of someone or something.

“Yo you good you been in the corner the whole party.”
“Yeah man I’m just vibed out

👍39 👎15

What does "vibed out" mean?

just relaxing, chilling, listening to some mellow music
may or may not be stoned

Ya I heard your chill play-list , makes me wanna turn my cap backwards, smoke a lil, and vibe-out to it.

👍43 👎13

Vibed out - what does it mean?

to chill out, relax, max.

don't trip son, just vibe out!

👍187 👎31

Vibed out - meaning

specifically when listening to music, to lose oneself to the music, to get into a zone or zone-out while listening to a particularly engrossing piece of music, beat, or set of rap lyrics. Most applicable when used in reference to listening to music.

Let's turn on this new A$AP Rocky and vibe-out.

👍149 👎17

Vibed out - definition

The act of being kicked out of a store, commonplace, restaurant, etc. by a salesperson or employee who uses repetitive questioning, suggestive hints, or signals.

Sophia: That lady in Pet-co told me 3 times "no photography", and then kept asking us if we needed help with anything."

Holli: Yeah, we totally got vibed out of there.

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