Definder - what does the word mean?

What is vendy?

The funny, good looking and the best friend in the group. He is going to be famous and very successful in the future, he is a future billionaire. He is a hype beast and has a lot of girlfriends. He is a real PlayBoy.

Damn that is a Vendi

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vendy - meme gif

vendy meme gif

vendy - video


Vendy - what is it?

The feeling you get after pushing the selector button for what you bought out of the vending machine, 'cause you know that you didn't select what you *really* wanted.

This emotion is common when there are two things you have a taste for but only enough money to buy one, and may involve someone else influencing your decision.

A Vending scam always makes vendi-envy more painful...

Tom: "Twix or Snickers... Twix or Snickers... Twix or Snickers... ? I'm in the mood for Twix!"
Harry: "Tom, you just had Twix yesterday, maybe you should go with the Snickers."
Tom: "No - I'm positive: I want Twix! *puts in money* B.... 9..."
*machine vends a Twix as Tom's smile goes away*
Harry: "Aren't you going to open that?"
Tom: "... Meh. I really wanted a Snickers."
Harry: "Another sixty-five cents, another case of vendi-envy..."

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What does "vendy" mean?

Vendy legs refers to the shape and size of ones humongous, vending machine like, legs. A term in which is used to describe ones fat, chunky, McDonald filled legs.

An example being ...
"oi look at that nutter hes got pure vendy legs like"
Another example being ...
"loves doing sbc's seen his vendy legs''

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Vendy - what does it mean?

A mission to the vendy(vending machine). Usually takes place when groups of kids are on tour in a different country and are in need of sustainance late at night.

"Man, I could really go for some Reece's Pieces, who's up for a vendy mish?"

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Vendy - meaning

A massive lesbian, she luvs drinkin from the furry muff. Has a cute lil accent and cant say adam ''adem'' also she wants her donkey

Vendy Bear, vendolina

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Vendy - definition

Shes te prettiest And cutest angel, shes really fun And easy going.she is a dancing queen And a goof ball she is very positive and will make your mood better when you see her,you need to have a vendy in your life

Vendy is the best friend you need to have she is a cute angel

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Vendy - slang

An abbreviation for vending machines, it originated in a northwest ohio school but has spread in usage nationwide due to dispersion of graduates

hey, I'm hungry, do you want to go the vendies?

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Vendi is slang for "I'm good" its used in parties when a hammered person is lying

"Don't worry about me I'm Vendi"

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plural ven路dies ven路dees,

ven路died ven路deed, ven路dy路ing. ven路dee路ing

1. Individuals whom hang around the vending machines typically smoking 'cigs'.
-Sub-cultures of this demographic can also taken from the meta classifications of all popular cultures or cliques and redefined and suffixed with the term 'vendy'.
-Unfortunately, anyone can be a vendy.

Bro: 'Dude, I just tried to grab a bag of chips from the machine around the corner, and got stared down by a bunch of vendies'

Dude: 'Haha! Was it the hipster vendies? I've never had trouble with them before."

Bro: 'Nah dude, the goth vendies. I'm pretty sure one of them hissed at me.'

Dude: 'Damn Bro, I dont know whats up, but I heard the emo vendies were acting up too.'

Bro: 'Yea, I heard Homie talking about how he got vendied by them yesterday.'

Dude: 'Almost make me want to start vendying just so i can grab something to eat.'

Bro: 'Whoa Dude, too far!'

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OMG pewdiepie is a vendi!

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