Definder - what does the word mean?

What is urboner?

pronounced like "ur" from "urban."

It's what you get while masturbating to the definitions on the urban dictionary.

I could hear Steve moaning all the way in the basement when he was on the computer last night, he must have been giving himself an urbone...

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urboner - meme gif

urboner meme gif

urboner - video


Urboner - what is it?

The complete opposite of ebonics. A language spoken by white urban people, not ghetto scum who hang on the street selling crack and stealing white t-shirts from Wal*Mart. Also not spoken by kidiots who play video games or watch anime all day long.

Not what you want it to be, because I am the originator of the word, from the day the word ebonics was first spoken (1995). So... FOOK OOF!

____ said "!@#$ that ebonics bull shit... mixing words together and telling us what's politically correct. I vote we start a new language called urbonics."

Mo: LMAO, Caucasian phrasin'

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What does "urboner" mean?

The language created by the entries in the Urban Dictionary.

Joe: That was a hyphy show dawg, Rhianna's booty was straight kickin'.

Mary: Oh, you mean the concert was great! Yeah, Rhianna's got a nice figure...sorry, I'm not used to urbonics.

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Urboner - what does it mean?

The complete opposite of ebonics. A language spoken by white urban people, not ghetto scum who hang on the street selling crack and stealing white t-shirts from Wal*Mart. Also not spoken by kidiots who play video games or watch anime all day long.

Not what you want it to be, because I am the originator of the word, from the day the word ebonics was first spoken (1995). So... FOOK OOF!

____ said "!@#$ that ebonics bull shit... mixing words together and telling us what's politically correct. I vote we start a new language called urbonics."

Mo: LMAO, Caucasian phrasin'

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Urboner - meaning

1.) the correct term used to describe urban slang. 2.) the specific accent and pronunciation of words spoken in an urban environment. 3.) not ebonics (black slang) 4.) a modern evolutionary form of english linguistics.

'dis' instaed of 'this', 'dat' instead of 'that', adopted from old southern english. Likely shortened for ease of communication and/or code for illegal actions. 'nose-candy' instead of 'cocaine', '5-O' instead of 'police officer'.

"Why on earth use urbonics when noone can understand a single word coming out of your mouth? Thank science we have the urban dictionary"

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Urboner - definition

Getting a boner when reading something hot on Urban Dictionary

Guy#1: Dude, I totally popped a urboner last night.
Guy#2: Lol, that seems to happen to you to much.

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Urboner - slang

The language derived from the urban dictionary.

Things headed shitward once world started speaking Urbonics.

"Hooked on Urbonics! It worked for me!"

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Urban English.

I have mastered the fine art of Urbonics thanks to the Urban Dictionary!

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He is a meme lord

That dude is a urbon

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politically correct term for urban slang, replacing the term "ebonics" which alledgedly derives from the word "ebony" with "urban"

I don't speak Urbonics and whatnot, I don't get "jiggy" with it.

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