Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ur-anus?

Your Anus (Ur-Anus) But Its A Planet.

Damn! That planet looks like Ur-Anus

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ur-anus - meme gif

ur-anus meme gif

ur-anus - video


Ur-anus - what is it?

Ur-anus is a planet for the queers, by the queers

Person 1; Booberella just arrived from Ur-anus

Person 2; Alaska is performing in Ur-anus this weekend

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What does "ur-anus" mean?

A very big anus. Basically it.

Oh, ur anus can certainly be used as, 'ur big fat anus' lol :).

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Ur-anus - what does it mean?

get ready to get fucked

playing a game online"
Player A PREPARE UR ANUS FUCKER, then player A rage quit and leaves.

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Ur-anus - meaning

The dumb ass way to spell Uranus

Ur anus is my favorite planet

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Ur-anus - definition

The thing you fart with

Ur-anus is the thing you fart with.

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Ur-anus - slang

1. The place where everything is hiding

2. A phrase to use when you don’t know where something is

Daniela: where is ur guacamole?
Jordan: Up ur anus

Jordan: I must’ve misplaced my essay I can’t find it
Daniela: maybe it’s up ur anus
Jordan: nope I already checked there

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What i thought was a peepee but its the other end

A: Bro I just saw Ur anus last night!
B: ._______.
A: It was so cool!
B: Ok shut up now

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What 7 year old kids keep saying because they think it's funny

Teacher: The 7th planet from the sun is called Uranus
7 year old: hahahahahaha ur anus
9 year old: Uranus is a gas giant
So it is just Your Anus but spelled like Ur anus

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