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What is t’d up?

Ticked up /other words annoyed

Yo man these girls got me T’D up

👍47 👎117

t’d up - video


T’d up - what is it?

T’d up means Tightened up, not goofing off anymore, back on your defense / high alert; not being on no BS anymore. Getting back on demon timing

“I ain’t boutta get dunked on twice in a row, I’m T’d up now!”
“I might’ve got 0 kills the last few rounds, but trust I’m finna get T’d up next game.”

👍81 👎51

What does "t’d up" mean?

Turned up or turnt up

mane this basketball game betta b t’d up or imma have to dip

👍103 👎17

T’d up - what does it mean?

To make a mistake

I td up, I had sex with a hoe.

👍39 👎167

T’d up - meaning

Short for turnt up (high/drunk/excited)

Person 1: yo we’re getting t’d up tonight.
Person 2: boss shit

👍303 👎39