Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tufties?

A tendril of anime hair that stick out

I have to draw all these Tufty Swoops art piece

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tufties - meme gif

tufties meme gif

tufties - video


Tufties - what is it?

An association of paedophiles (kiddy fiddlers)

I'm a paid up member of our local masonic lodge, a scout master and I'm treasurer of our local "tufty club".

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What does "tufties" mean?

used when a pub is filled with roughian types and scallywags.

' My!!.. its a tad rufty tufty in this pub Bob, do you think pool cue's will be smacked over our heads??'

"well the windows are boarded up, and all the locals are staring at us. Maybe we should leave!!"

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Tufties - what does it mean?

Tufty chalk tends to be from West Virginia and extremely invested into the military even though he is to fat to even attempt to make it past boot camp. When he gets rejected by the military he regresses into the person the he tried to stuff for a long time. He starts to rape his 10 year old brother which tufty chalk thinks he is a girl. During tufty chalk rape festivals they like to play the pubes in a way that sounds like banjo music. In short he is a fat inbreeding fuck who is very militarily invested.

Tufty chalk played his pubes during the inbreeding rape festival.

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Tufties - meaning

A medevil style fanny that not only droops in nature but is covered in whispy pubic hair giving the resemblance of the wigwams built by ancient Indian tribes.

King Arthur knelt on one knee...and peered down at gweniveres tufty wigwam, it was at that point he decided to pursue his dream of drinking from the furry cup

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Tufties - definition

Adjective: Describes the appearance of soldiers in the field, who are usually have worn equipment, dirty uniforms, and unofficial additions or modifications of their kit. This makes them look tough and professional. People wanting to imitate that look will batter their new equipment, grow stubble even if they have the chance to shave, and so on.

Derived from 'rough'.

"Are you growing that beard because your chin is cold or do you just want to look more rufty-tufty?"

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Tufties - slang

A generally annoying person; an ignoramus

Don't be such a tufty wump or you'll get the bish bish bish

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Tufty is essentially the feeling of making one feel jealous. I made up this word and definition myself.

Bailey: Brooke I am going on holiday next week.
Brooke: Oh no I wish I could go, stop making me feel tufty.
Bailey: Sorry for tufticating you.

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someone who thinks they are it!

but purely just a baw bag and a fanny baws rolled in one massive pootang

that jobbie heid is a tufty

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Little hairs on your chest that can be seen peeking out of your shirt.

person 1: what a nice shirt that man has.

person 2: yeah, except you can see some tufties sticking out.

person 1: mmmmm.

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