Definder - what does the word mean?

What is batter?

To beat up or hit aggresively with the upmost vigour.

I battered those idiots in Clover Drive when they said I was batty!

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batter - meme gif

batter meme gif

batter - video

Batter - what is it?

that nigga got a biiiig baseball bat if ya's get what im saying

no time to purify the world when he can be purifying hot italian assssssss

"You're walking funny, what happened?"
"Fucked The Batter last night."

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What does "batter" mean?

Beaten up in a fight - laid out, fucked up

dylan fort e was all 'ard but e's a cripple now cos e got proper battered by sam when e called im a mong

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Batter - what does it mean?

some random guy in a baseball uniform who appeared in this post-apocalyptic world. hates ghosts and will beat the shit out of anyone who's hostile to him.

The Batter is my favorite protagonist, he's badass even.

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Batter - meaning

To emphasise how much you are going to batter/hurt someone or something

Iā€™m going to batter batter batter you

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Batter - definition

In Ireland the verb to batter is used as a slang for sexual intercourse.

"Jaysus I'm tellin' ya Mick, I battered her last night!"

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Batter - slang

The object of your affection; someone with whom you are caking.

You were getting awfully friendly over there. Who's the batter?

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Delicious pre-baked form of cake, cookies, brownies, pancakes, etc

"MMM that batter was delicious"
"DUDE! My girlfriend came over and licked brownie batter of my c**k!"

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To kick the fucking shit out of someone

"I'm gonna fucking batter that mug"

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to violently beat the shit out of someone

Omg im gonna batter that gyal/boy

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