Definder - what does the word mean?

What is transie?

A phrase from an old (not super old but was made in the 2000's) called Ouran High School Host Club or OHSHC.

It was used to refer to the MC'S (Haruhi Fugioka) Mother who was Transexual and used to be a guy. Although the term is very offensive and may be seen as a racial slur today, the show was made a while back and it wasn't that big of a deal at the time. I do recomend the anime seeing as the it was very funny and has a loveable cast of characters. Still one of the best shojo animes of all time. (besides Maid-sama)

"Her dad is a Transy?!"

pls dont send hate to the show or its fandom

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transie - meme gif

transie meme gif

transie - video


Transie - what is it?

a form of Transportation usually used in the

I got the transi we can leave

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What does "transie" mean?


Pronounced: "Traan-sea"
- A slang word for: Car, Automobile, Vehicle etc...

Commonly used among South Africans but more particularly people from Johannesburg aka Jozi/Mzansi

Petrolhead: "Damn bro did you see that Transie!."

Girlfriend: "All he really cares about is his Transie."

Teenager: "Dad! All my friends have Transies except me."

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Transie - what does it mean?

A person who is Both male and female.

"Travis is such a freaking Transy"

"Like gefferee star ?''

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Transie - meaning

A Transgender Pansy, someone who is transgender and is also unreasonable to the point where they think they are completely right about whatever they say with no evidence needed

A Transy (pl) Transies
Is/are known to be aggressive and ignorant, one met with such it is advised to call your nearest poilice station, make sure it is a black cop so they don’t get that officer killed too

Their diets are strictly known as sis white males and Male privileges

β€œHey I was giving a speach at my college until this heard of transies came a shouted β€œnot politically correct!”

β€œWow man are you ok? You should be more careful about that transy

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Transie - definition

Short for Transylvania. A small, liberal arts college in Lexington, Kentucky where poor people from Kentucky who think they're smart go. Pretty much the crappiest school you can go to and mostly everyone transfers to another school after their first year. Rivals with Centre College, another school in Kentucky.

high school senior #1: where are you going to college next year?
high school senior #2: Well, I didn't get into any of my top 15 choices, so I have to go to Transy.
high school senior #1: that really sucks, soon you will be gay.
high school senior #2: this is true.

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Transie - slang

A transgendered person.

He....I mean a transy.

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a derogatory term for a tansvestite or transexual used more often on the East coast of the US

Person 1: I saw a transie at the club last night
Person 2: You sure? It coulda been some drunk slut

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A transgender that acts like a pansy

That Bailey person is such a transy

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