Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tool-bag?

A person who is so big of a tool and douchebag, that he can only be labeled a tool bag. This breed of tool can often be seen sporting wifebeaters, fauxhawks, aviators, and chains that were only popular in 2001 urban America. Usually people despise this person but do not confront them about it. Makes stupid remarks and most people would enjoy pulverizing them with a pole. See Joe Eads.

Look at that tool bag, sweet paint on abs bro!

👍59 👎39

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tool-bag meme gif

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Tool-bag - what is it?

ball sack

Tool is to Dick as Tool bag is to Ball Bag.

👍57 👎29

What does "tool-bag" mean?

A person who is considered a Tool by 3 or more people and it is a general concensus that he, is in fact; an asshole.

Shaun:"Erick is such an idiot.."
Ryan:"Yeah I always wanna tell him to get lost in english.."
Justin::"umm ok, he sucks"
Zack"He's a fucking toolbag!"

👍187 👎149

Tool-bag - what does it mean?

The supreme combination of being an utter tool and a total douche bag. Think fist pumping pricks with no brains, a thick Jersey/NYC/Long Island accent (you know the one), and overly tanned orange skin. Oh, and mountains of hair gel for their short haircuts.

All the guys on MTV's Jersey shore are complete tool bags and they don't even know it. Sit back and enjoy.

👍105 👎61

Tool-bag - meaning

a complete tool encompassing all aspects of being a tool. the grandaddy of all tools. this person is a tool in any situation.

skyler and brad never missed an opportunity to be tools. at home, at the mall, at the park, and with all groups of friends. they are complete tool bags.

👍463 👎275

Tool-bag - definition

A combination of the common cut-downs "tool" and "duesch bag"...a very annoying or otherwise repulsive indivitual who assumes he is a part of a group of friends when that group of friends actually dispizes that person.

Tom Lewis is a tool-bag, why the hell does he open is mouth.

👍85 👎37

Tool-bag - slang

One who tries to be a hard ass, but everyone else thinks is an idiot because of what he does.

"a guy that parks his not that sweet of a car on the towns main street car wash and hand washes or shammies it with his shirt off, bumping his stereo system."

"Hey look at that guy washing his car with his shirt off, haha what a tool bag."

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Someone who is more than simply a tool. So much of a tool in fact, that since there is not a more tool-ish word than tool, they can only be described as a "tool bag," logically. One who has the tool quality of so many tools, that a mechanic's collection of tools does not contain as many tools as would equal the level of tooldom that a "tool bag" contains. Therefore, their tool level is higher than tool and moves up to "tool bag."

A group of sophmores is a bunch a tools ::AS TO:: A single freshman is a tool bag.

Good Charlotte are tools ::AS TO:: Ryan Seacrest is a tool bag.

👍207 👎95


a loser jerk off that thinks they are cooler than they actually are. they think they are the focus of everyone's attention or are better than everyone when in fact they are not. they try too hard, get smuts with diseases, have diseases, and are used like tools

the entire frat of pi lam at Widener University in Chester, PA

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An individual who's personality is the perfect combination a Tool and a Douche Bag.

Another explanation is a moron who thinks that they are god's gift to the world.

dude 1: Check out that tool Chuck over there, now that's he's watched karate kid six times he thinks he can punch through a brick wall. What a douche bag.

dude 2: Chuck truly is a Tool Bag.

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