Definder - what does the word mean?

What is to Catch a case?

A term used when you meet a hot girl at a bar or a club(thinking she is 21 due to the circumstances, but she is only 16). Proceed to go back to her place and have intimate relations, but wake to find an Enraged Father and the police. Usually results in around 10-20 years and the sex offender registration process(due to the fact you have been convicted as a child molestation). In laymands terms

Andrew: Hey that lil' young bitch over there is hot.

Mike: Yah, I am gonna have to "catch a case" tonight.

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to Catch a case - video


To Catch a case - what is it?

Catching feelings.

You're going to catch a case of you keep fucking with laqueefa.

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What does "to Catch a case" mean?

To physically assault someone. To attack physically, barehanded or with a dangerous weapon.

Ron gripped the handle of his cane sword, saying "both of y'all better leave this place," as he slowly unsheathed the blade "or I just may have to catch a case!"

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To Catch a case - what does it mean?

Not wanting to go to jail for dating someone younger. Not being interested in someone too young.

Guy: Sorry, not trying to Catch a case. You’re too young for me.

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To Catch a case - meaning

When you're online with someone and they say something sexual too you, and you get this grippling feeling they're not of age so you ask their age to find out they're under 18. This is where you come to realize you're Catching A Case.

Example 1:
Person 1: Hey girl, you sound hot. You mind if i inject maple syrup in your ass?
Person 2: sure.. wait, how old are you?
Person 1: i'm 16 and have alot to give.
Person 2: I'm Catching A Case, bye.

Example 2:
Person 1: I lied about my age, but i hope you'll still love me for me. I'm not 21, I'm 13.
Person 2: I'm Catching A Case, and we can't co-exist together anymore. *blocks person*

Example 3:
Person 1: I'm impressed you're grand champ on RL, maybe you could teach me to get good.
Person 2: Yea sure, but it's going to take a while.
Person 1: Baby, I got time for you.
Person 2: .. How old are you?
Person 1: 15, 16 next month.. you got snap?
Person 2: I'm Catching A Case, gotta go bye.

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To Catch a case - definition

A joke used for when a older guy/girl hits on someone younger than him/her

β€œYo you better stop hitting on that 12 year old you 15 dude you about to catch a case”
β€œNahh it’s aii it’s just 2 years older”

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To Catch a case - slang

When you are interested in someone who is much younger than you; very much illegal

boy 1 (senior in highschool) : damn you're cute, can i get your snap?
girl 1: sure!
boy 1: so you like a 16?
girl 1: No! haha I'm 14, a freshman
boy 1: that's catching a case, sorry lemme know when you're 16

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To Catch a case

charge with a crime by the police

if he don't quit he's going to catch a case

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To Catch a case

short for "to catch a court case" ie: you're so pissed your ready to beat someone up and get arrested for assault and battery and go to court; basically, you're really angry. Reference to the R. Kelly song.

one friend says to another: "ummm girl, i just slept with your boyfriend",
other friend: "Ohhhh heina, i'm about to catch a case"

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To Catch a case

A term used as a joke for when an older guy is hitting on a young girl.

"She's too young for you bro"

"Damn I'm boutta catch a case then"

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