Definder - what does the word mean?

What is thotted?

A slut or hoe

If a man is not wanting the thot near them they will say the simple phrase "BEGONE THOT"

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thotted meme gif

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Thotted - what is it?

Term used by Crusaders to address women who hit on them.

Means "That Harlot O'er There"

Lady: Would you like to come back to my home?
Crusader 1: Uhh...

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What does "thotted" mean?

When a thot offers to please you in sexual way
Without you asking

Josh: Hey man Sasha tired to suck me up right now
Manny: Nigga chill she was just being thotful

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Thotted - what does it mean?

A female that uses her body in some way to gain attention or some favor from males. Commonly used to describe female streamers on twitch that uses such tactics.

Myne from The Rising of the Shield Hero is a textbook example of a thot.

That twitch thot is too much.
I can't believe how much that Myne thot tricked him.

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Thotted - meaning

Be gone


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Thotted - definition

That Hoe Over There

don’t talk to thot.

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Thotted - slang

An abbreviation that stands for 'Typical Hottie On TikTok/Twitter/Tinder' (or any other social media online platform that begins with the letter T.

A promiscuous and loose moral online female. Those on platforms like OnlyFans etc that appeal to the simps of the world.

Stay away from thots online fella's, is paying hundreds of dollars for used panties really worth it? They probably won't even be hers!

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A girl who is looked at as a hoe or slut.

That girl a thot from the block .

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A woman who is slutty or gets around with no morals and two times more of a thot

She was sucking on me while calling you she a thot thot

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Behaving in a manner characterized by hoe like activities. Inclined to hoeing and giving the pussy to sketch niggas for the cheap.

She went to Europe for the summer and came back thotted then a motherfucker.

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