Definder - what does the word mean?

What is thexi?

a thexy is a sexy hexagon looking thick on the streets, it is also a gender you would say "My sexuality is thexy or thexagon'

I feel like a thexagon

I identify as a thexy

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thexi - video


Thexi - what is it?

Its means "sexy" but an easier way

Bro Wanna go out
Bro2: Were with the chick?
bro 1: yup with Thexy CHICKS

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What does "thexi" mean?

Tongue in cheek expression about the appeal of sexy tights (pantyhose) and the complete opposite of sexy stockings. However thexy thights can be transformed into unbridled sex fashionista when the wearer deliberately portrays them as un-sexy.

...there's nothing sexy about tights ... yes, but these are thexy thights!

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Thexi - what does it mean?

Adj. 1. Of or relating to one's sexual appeal.

Adj 2. The adjective "sexy" spoken with a lisp.

Also see: Michelle Rhoades

Mithelle ith thuper thexy.

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Thexi - meaning

Adj. 1. Of or relating to ones sexual appeal.

Adj 2. The adjective "sexy" spoken with a lisp.

Also see: Michelle Rhoades

Mithelle ith thuper thexy!

👍45 👎19

Thexi - definition

The word sexy while saying it with a lisp.
Thexual appeal to someones wenis.

Amanda tells Jen that she is thexy.

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Thexi - slang

A compound word by joining "thick" and "sexy".

Look at his thick sexy ass. He is so thexy.

Remember...keep it thexy.

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To be sexy with a th. A more fun and friendly way of saying sexy

Mariam is a thexy girl

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same as "sexy" except with a lisp

Enrique: "Isn't Juan hella thexy?"

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A slang word for "Sexy" meaning the sexiest person ever.

" that girl i saw at the movies was Thexi"
" me and my boyfriend ar thexi"

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