Definder - what does the word mean?

What is thesaurusitis?

When someone is talking like they’re writing an essay and will just keep repeating the same thing over and over again without getting to the point.

Person A: “Josh is having a party this weekend at his house, at his house and the gathering is gonna be great. I can’t wait for the party this weekend at Josh’s house. Did I mention he’s celebrating at his house this weekend?”
Person B: “When is the party?”
Person A: “Sometime at Josh’s house he’s having snacks. There will be dancing and music. There will be people there and everything.”
Person B: “Get to the point, you’re thesaurusing again…”

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thesaurusitis - video


Thesaurusitis - what is it?

When chris is trying to act random, but everyone knows he's totally planned.

"Chris is being like so non-thesaurusical right now, i think i could wet myself because it's so funny

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What does "thesaurusitis" mean?

its a word. used in the sense of feeling that your not up to using a plethora of complicated words.

"i hereby announce that non-thesaurusical is now a word"

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Thesaurusitis - what does it mean?

A) To use way too many words when just a few will do, thus, meekly, trying to project an image of experience and knowledge where such does not exists, or has been mis-integrated by the user, causing a belief it is quantity which rules, not the quality and directness of the prose or verbal discription, thus generating the stench of verbal or written diarrhea to permeate the area or writing.

When asked to write a one paragraph discription of his favorite class, the student thesaurusized it into a six page tome. The Admission Reader was not pleased.

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Thesaurusitis - meaning

To replace words in a sentence, phrase, or song with other words that mean the same thing. Implies poor results, or dumbing down. This is a common practice among hymnal editors of some denominations, who are apparently among the most clueless humans walking the earth.

There used to be an internal rhyme in the bridge, until the publishers thesaurusized it.

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Thesaurusitis - definition

When someone overuses a thesaurus in an essay or speech to make themselves sound smarter. However, by replacing small words with obscure words they don't really understand, it just makes them sound pretentious and stupid.

But, especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn.

Blood libel? Purport? Looks like Sarah Palin suffers from thesaurusitis.

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Thesaurusitis - slang

To use the thesaurus for every second word in order to make yourself sound smarter or to take up space and make an essay longer.

Teachers see past it very quickly if you are a dumbfuck and can't tell him what half the words in your essay mean, when questioned.

"I thesaurused this essay to death"

"I walked slowly down the street to school" becomes "I sauntered languorously down the boulevard to the establishment of education" (this is overly thesaurused)

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Taking a sentence from a (generally) published source and using a thesaurus to change the words so as to avoid plagiarism.

I used one of my earlier papers for this assignment, but thesaurusized it so no one would notice.

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