Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the payback?

When your girl pisses you, jerk off in her clean underwear, procedure to refold it and place back in drawer.

Sandra was pissing me off so I gave the bitch a Krusty Payback!

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the payback - video


The payback - what is it?

The momentary, vengeful blast of fetid guff that hits you in the face upon opening a packet of cold sliced ham.

"Be very careful opening that sandwich meat Keith, or you'll get some major piggy payback".

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What does "the payback" mean?

When a person wrongs you and its time for them to get a taste of their own medicine !

Dave-Why you so happy today?

Jim-I got back at my neighbor for letting his dog shit in my yard for years,I took all the dog shit from the winter and put it in a bag put it on his porch lit it on fire rang the bell and watched him stomping it out in his socks getting shit everywhere It was AWESOME!

Dave-Paybacks a bitch!

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The payback - what does it mean?

The Apostle of Payback โ€” the sobriquet of Vladimir Putin given by Bill Burns, CIA boss.

When asked if Putin ever forgave anyone, Burns famously replied: โ€œYes, but not of everything.โ€

Many people who have opposed or humiliated Putin have died under โ€œmysterious circumstanceโ€.

The latest โ€œfatalityโ€ is Wagner Group Leader Yevegney Prigozhin. On August 23rd 2023 a plane Prigozhin was on โ€œfell out of the skyโ€ killing everyone on board.

Revenge is a dish best served.


And, revenge is a dish best served ice cold.

Prigozhinโ€™s plane โ€œfell out of the skyโ€ two months to the day from when he marched on Moscow in an apparent protest of the way the Ukrainian conflict was going. It was humiliating to Putin and the world took notice.

But, exactly two months later Putin said both โ€œhold my vodkaโ€ and โ€œALLOW ME TO RETORT MOTHERFUCKER!!!!โ€

Game. Set. Match. Putin.

For now.

Vladimir Putin is the The Apostle of Payback; he may forgive; but, he never forgets. The man is like a Black Parent!!!!!

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The payback - meaning

Something that appears to be good but then becomes dissapointing in the final result. Originating from Need for speed payback.

I wish this Christmas will be exciting. Last year as a fucking payback!
Donโ€™t worry it will get better.

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The payback - definition

PAYBACK- The dead possum that was flung through the sunroof of your best friends car that now sits in your lap.

Man, this payback stinks!

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The payback - slang

A bitch.

Hiroshima was payback for Pearl Harbor.
Did she really just say that?

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The payback

retribution, repremanding, punshment for harm to someone else

It's payback time. Your ass is grass.

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The payback

The act of revenge.

This is PAYBACK for cheating on me, beeyatch!!

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The payback

1.) revenge

2.) a groovy funk song by james brown

yo he should not have messed with james brown he is got The payback

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