Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the hoedini?

When having sexual intercourse with a female and you feel like you are about to cum you spit on their back then when they turn around they get a nice and sticky surprice.

the hoedini

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the hoedini - video


The hoedini - what is it?

A prostitute that vanishes gets the money up front and vanishes.

Me: Mike, I brought a prostitute back home last night, and after she got her money, she disappeared.

Mike: That was no prostitute. That was a Hoedini.

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What does "the hoedini" mean?

Like pulling a Houdini, but with the purpose of getting laid or disappearing without a word after a one night stand

She did a hoedini last night

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The hoedini - what does it mean?

Inspired by the great Harry Houdini, the word HOEdini is a term used in modern day to describe the theft or disappearance of personal belongings either money, jewelry or one's self after the acts of intercourse.

1: I took her home with me to spend the night but when I woke up all my shit was missing. She took my dog, wallet and my box of Fruity Pebbles . Shes a Hoedini.

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The hoedini - meaning

Girl who uses her attractiveness to gain something from you, then ghosts you.

I brought drinks for a girl & asked for her number. When I turned around for a sec she disappeared. She's a hoedini.

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