Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the ghost ship?

A combination of Stranger and Dutch Rudder, where you sit on your hand until it is numb before fapping(Stranger), then have someone Jack you off with the numb hand(Dutch Rudder).

John: β€œMan, what a night! I thought I was going to have to settle for the Stranger since my wife was out of town, but my friend Andrew stopped by and offered me a Dutch Rudder. Bam! The Ghost Ship was born!

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the ghost ship - video


The ghost ship - what is it?

The act of having poop-sex with a dead body

I'm going to the morg to do some ghost-shipping.

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What does "the ghost ship" mean?

the shitiest, crapest and gayest film ever made.

ghost ship is ghost shit

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The ghost ship - what does it mean?

The act of railing a chick from behind, followed by pulling out, and hocking a lookie on her back. Thinking you just blew your load she turns around, just then you shoot it all over her face.

The girl was so upset after I pulled the ghost ship on her, she was forced clean jizz out of her ears, nose and hair for hours.

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The ghost ship - meaning

A modification of the Dutch rudder in which it's a combination of a Dutch rudder and a stranger.

"I woke up with a boner and numb arm from sleeping on it, I then proceeded to get my friend to ghost ship me."

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The ghost ship - definition

When a girl gets uglier and uglier the closer she gets. Like Pirates of the Caribbean.

That bitch was smoking across the bar..but turns out she's just a Ghost Ship. Just kept getting uglier and uglier the closer she got.

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The ghost ship - slang

When both characters die but there’s no way in hell that’s going to stop you from writing fanfics

Random stranger : but -β€”- and -β€”- are dead!
Me: it’s called a ghost ship darrell.

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The ghost ship

Someone who does not check their lineup in a fantasy league, thus ruining the enjoyment for everyone else.

Ever since Todd started to ghost ship in our fantasy baseball league, his team has sucked.

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