Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the dani girl?

A girl who’s life is a mess.

Could also be a girl who always tries to be other types of girls such as a vsco girl or emo girl.

Originated from Daniella Perkins

Look she’s dressed as a vsco girl today! She’s such a dani girl

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the dani girl - video


The dani girl - what is it?

A girl who is a mess. She is overly spontaneous, loves to dance randomly and does splits at grocery stores specifically Walmart and Target.

Her closet is so disorganized, such a Dani girl

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What does "the dani girl" mean?

The girl who is all over the place

β€œI took two hours to get ready this morning” β€œYou are such a Dani Girl”

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The dani girl - what does it mean?

The girl who is a mess

Daniella Perkins is a Dani girl

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The dani girl - meaning

The dani girl is a mess πŸ˜‚πŸ’•- Daniella Perkins 2019

Eg- my style is the dani girl style .

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The dani girl - definition

A girl who is a mess. (aka Daniella Perkins)

I’m such a Dani girl

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The dani girl - slang

A girl who's life is a mess

Daniella is a real dani girl

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The dani girl

A girl who is a mess.

She needs to get her life together. UGH! Such a dani girl.

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The dani girl

Daniella Perkins

a girl who drinks lots of energy drinks. they wear mom jeans and crop tops to show off their great body. kind of doesn't have their life together, but at the same time, they do. they like to prank people and just have lots of fun.

damn she's such a Dani girl

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The dani girl

Very energetic spontaneous very all over the place over all mess
Also amazing

Hey Dani girls are amazing I wish I was one

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