Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Snow White?

Being covered in cum after a gang bang with seven midgets. Can also just be used after your average bukkake, but is less authentic.

I had a gang bang with seven dwarfs and they left me snowed white.

Oh man, did you hear that she got snowed white last night!

👍35 👎13

the Snow White - video


The Snow White - what is it?

the greatest of the disney princesses

i love snow white! shes is freakin awesome

👍191 👎123

What does "the Snow White" mean?

A beautiful young innocent princess in her teens, with skin as white as snow,long hair as black as ebony, and lips as red as blood. She is the most beautiful human to ever live, and every guy that sees her falls in love, and every girl either wants to be her or envy's her.

"Oh my god she's gorgeous, her skin is pure white, her hair is silky black, and her lips are so red."
"Oh yea thats snow white."
"I want to marry her"

👍47 👎21

The Snow White - what does it mean?

the best of the disney princesses

i love snow white! i cant wait to watch that movie

👍309 👎189

The Snow White - meaning

Known by almost every nigga in the hood and gotta body to match

Yo, you see booty?
Na just snow white mang!

👍135 👎67

The Snow White - definition

When a beautiful girl dates exceptionally lame guys, often at the same time or one after another, because she is afraid to be alone and wants to hear that she is the 'fairest of them all.'

Based on the fairy tale where that pretty white chick sleeps with seven dwarfs in the woods

Yeah, she has snow-whited her whole life. I don't think she's ever been single.

How did he end up with that girl? Simple, man, she's a snow-white

You think she'd date me? She might snow-white ur ugly ass

She has been snow-whiting as long as I've known her

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The Snow White - slang

n. cocaine.

"what up loc. hows my bitch snow white?"
"she's going for thirteen-five"
"put me down for fiddy den."

👍257 👎135

The Snow White

The lead character in the story of
"Snow White and the seven dwarfs". Snow White was made famous in Disney's version of the story, and remains one of Disney's most beloved princesses.

The famous "Snow White and the seven dwarfs" cartoon movie was made in 1937, and featured Adriana Caselotti as the voice of Snow White.

"I've been told I look like Snow White"

👍455 👎223

The Snow White

Women who features fair skin and black hair such as snow white. They may be found all across Europe,mostly in Ireland,England,Scotland,France,Italy, and Hungary. (At least where I've seen them the most).

In the second paragraph of the last line in the story says:

"Oh, how I wish that I had a daughter that had skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony"

Note: I'm aware this might not be a fashionable word. However, its use does describe a demographic population of people who have no name in the current standards of English language.

Emily is a blonde, Lisa a brunnete, and Sara a redhead, and Crystal a snow white.

👍105 👎33

The Snow White

cocaine, a popular drug

"my girl is snow white
in the form of a rock"

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