Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Pogues?

Pog Anus

Anything that's pog and related to butts is worthy of Pogus

Stream: shows a juicy ass

Chat: Kreygasm Pogus

👍45 👎13

the Pogues - video


The Pogues - what is it?

A pogue is what infantrymen call non-infantrymen in the US Army. Marines probably use the same word, though I can't comment on that.

"Pogue" is generally disparaging, though the degree of vitriol with which one uses it can vary. The connotation associated with pogue is that the person is lazy and/or soft, and therefore selected a job in the military that doesn't involve the grueling field training that infantrymen must endure. Pogues are not deserving of respect.

A pogue is similar to a R.E.M.F. (Rear echelon motherfucker). Rear echelon means far away from the fight, "in the rear with the gear." Nearly all R.E.M.F.'s are pogues, though not all pogues are R.E.M.F.'s.

"Pogue" is not synonymous with "leg." A leg is what airborne troops call non-airborne troops. Plenty of infantrymen are not airborne-qualified, and are therefore legs, but not pogues. And a pogue can be airborne qualified, and therefore not a leg.

"Hey Jones, we're putting you in Headquarters platoon. Go hang out in the supply room with those 92Y pogues."

👍149 👎39

What does "the Pogues" mean?

Simply one of the greatest bands of all time. No joke.

Check out any of their albums. Brilliant writing

👍193 👎51

The Pogues - what does it mean?

From the Netflix show “Outer Banks”, the pogues live on the Cut. They are the opposite of Kooks, and live outside the bubble wrap. They might not have the most money, but they are the coolest people and the best surfers. While it is said “pogues don’t mack on other pogues”, it actually does tend to happen. Pogues stick with other pogues, and help each other with all of their crazy shit.

Also the name of John B’s boat- “HMS Pogue”

Kie- “Pogues don’t mack on other pogues”

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The Pogues - meaning

The name of said band comes from Irish (or Celtic) "pogue mahone" which means "kiss my ass".

Pogue mahone means kiss my ass.

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The Pogues - definition

Derogatory phrase used by front-line infantry units to describe rear-support or staff units.

Screw those leg-ass pogues!

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The Pogues - slang

A group that don't give a fuck and are fucking beasts at surfing

Look at Cash he's a pogue

👍563 👎131

The Pogues

Originally US Army slang, it was used as a term of contempt for a non-combat soldier. The term, derived from the Gaelic 'Póg' meaning arse, carries with it an implication of unmanliness, homosexuality, even paedophilia, since Hershey bars and other types of candy are known as ‘pogue bait’. Demonstrating the complete contempt of the combat soldier for any kind of REMF, it was probably first used troops of Irish descent but quickly became widespread as unpopular WASP officers would not know what it meant.

In Gaelic one use of the word would be in the phrase ‘Póg mo thóin’ (pronounced pogue mahone) meaning 'kiss my arse'

That pedo journalist out here on assignment is stockin' up on pogue bait again.
That pogue, REMF, asswipe wrote me up when he caught me jerking off in the latrine!

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The Pogues

What every neo-celtic punk pop band aspires to be (Flogging Molly, Dropkick Murphys, The Tossers, etc). On vox, Shane Macgowan, a legend in his own right. Contrary to popular belief, only some members of the Pogues are from Ireland. The first three LPs, classic (Red Roses for Me, Rum Sodomy and the Lash, If I Should Fall From Grace With God). Alcoholism and rumored drug abuse accusations created a rift between Shane and the rest of the band, leading to an eventual breakup. The Pogues released albums without Shane, and Shane formed his own band, The Popes. There are many bands that have been influenced by the Pogues, but the original is still the greatest.

The Pogues are great. Streams of Whiskey, anyone?

👍315 👎39

The Pogues

A BetterTTV emote that is used to express excitement/hype in a Twitch chat.

coolguy88: YO WHO IS THIS GUY PogU

weirdchampion1: HOW DOES HE DO IT PogU

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