Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Paradox?

A meta-state that has a counter-formalistic (aesthetic) beginning and end.

Null value.

True-false metastasis.

Effects linear time from one end; and cyclical time emerges from the other side.

Produces experiences, objects, or events.

A paradox produces objects.

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the Paradox - video


The Paradox - what is it?

paradox is a true statement or group of statements that leads to a contradiction or a situation which defies logic or intuition. The term is also used for an apparent contradiction that actually expresses a non-dual truth such as two true sentences which put together seem incompatible as both being true. Typically however, quoted paradoxical statements do not imply a real contradiction and the puzzling results can be rectified by demonstrating that one or more of the premises themselves are not really true, a play on words, faulty and/or cannot all be true together. But many paradoxes, such as Curry's paradox, do not yet have universally accepted resolutions. The word paradox is often used interchangeably with contradiction. Literary and other artistic uses of paradoxes imply no contradiction and may be used to describe situations that are ironic. Sometimes the term paradox is used for situations that are merely surprising.

Bob: I am a Paradox
Fred: No your not
Bob: Exactly
Fred: Ohhhhh.....

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What does "the Paradox" mean?

Two Doc Martens

Thats a nice paradox.

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The Paradox - what does it mean?

1. having the nature of a paradox; self-contradictory.

2. Medicine/Medical . not being the normal or usual kind:

Sometimes, parΒ·aΒ·doxΒ·al.

Stimulants are a paradoxical, albeit effective, medication used for certain forms of hyperactivity.

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The Paradox - meaning

See: Paradox

I went back in time and accidentally killed myself, but I'm not gone because since I was never born. I never came back and killed myself, so that means I'm still alive in the future to come back in time and kill myself, which is why I'm here, having just killed myself and restarted the vicious cycle. I'm stuck in a Paradox.

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The Paradox - definition

A situation that would seem true or possible but at the same time is false or not possible.

A person looks up the word "Paradox" on Urban Dictionary. He/she then reads," A person looks up the word "Paradox" on Urban Dictionary. He/she then reads," A person looks up the word "Paradox" on Urban Dictionary. He/she then reads...

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The Paradox - slang

1. self-contradictoriness of logical conclusions deriving from the same logical conclusions.

2. also what you would call a highly oxymoroned town.

That the liar says he tells the truth is full of paradoxicity.

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The Paradox

A meta-state which has a counter-formalistic (cyclically-chronistic) beginning and a counter-formalistic end.


Creates an object, event, or experience which has a discrete beginning and discrete end in time.

A paradox appears as an experience, event, or object. We usually call an observably paradox-created object a "coincidence."

Paradoxes and objects are mutually inclusive.

All paradoxes are objects and all objects (events & experiences) are paradoxes.

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The Paradox

Perpetual mind fuck.

If Pinocchio said, "My nose will grow now!" and his nose didn't grow, then he would have told a lie... But his nose grows when he lies. Since his nose would have grown, it would be a paradox because his nose grew even though he told the truth.

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The Paradox

a statement that appears to be self-contradictory but may actually be true

You can't change who you are unless you want to, but whether you want to is part of who you are. Some paradox.

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