Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Pants?

Leggings worn as pants. Usually by sorority girls paired with v-necks and patagonias. Leggings SHOULD NOT BE WORN AS PANTS.

"Look at Becky, she's wearing some not pants today."
"Ohhh that girl be wearing some not pants, you can see her whole gd ass"

👍51 👎15

the Pants - video


The Pants - what is it?

A really great girl with great legs that doesn't wear pants - ever. She doesn't wear them because she finds them uncomfortable. Some people don't wear pants because it's easier to get laid, but a real No Pants doesn't wear pants because it's what feels right. A real No Pants is a funny, quirky girl. They're unique and hard to find.

That girl is the farthest thing from a slut. She's just No Pants.

👍133 👎39

What does "the Pants" mean?

is a whole cool person who happens to be a little on the shorter side and has really nice hair.
this thing is very cool and you should go get laid by one like right now..


👍297 👎97

The Pants - what does it mean?

rubbish, no good, bag of shite

you are pants

👍3139 👎1061

The Pants - meaning

adjective. British slang. Not good; total crap; nonsense; rubbish; bad

"The first half of the movie was pants but I stayed until the end and it was actually a great film."

👍861 👎267

The Pants - definition

Having a mood of no worries and being carefree

No problems
Mood: no pants

Her: how's it going

Him: i have no homework due tomorrow so it's a no pants day

👍79 👎23

The Pants - slang

(a) Noun. American, also used in some British dialects. Trousers, a bifurcated outer garment covering the body and each leg from waist to ankle. Until the late 20th century traditionally a male garment.

(b) Noun. British. Underpants.

(c) Verb. American. To pull down someone's pants (trousers). Can be done to either males or females by either males or females. See also depants

(d) Verb. American. To overpower someone and remove his trousers by force as a humiliation. Equivalent to the British debag. Usually only done to males as removal of the pants, the traditional male garment, is a symbolic emasculation. Pantsing in this sense may be used as an initiation rite, a punishment, or just done for fun. See also depants

(e) Verb. American. Strip someone naked.

(f) Verb. American. Inflict a crushing defeat on someone.

(g) Verb. American. To inflict crushing criticism on someone.

(h) Adjective. British. Rubbish

(a) Girls are not permitted to wear pants at this school.

(b) He had nothing on but his pants and socks.

(c) While I was talking to some girls my so-called friend came up behind me and pantsed me.

(d) We grabbed him, took him behind the bushes and held him down while the girls pantsed him.

(e) We pantsed him, got all his clothes off.

(f) Our team got pantsed again.

(g) Don't make silly comments in an Internet discussion group or you will be publicly pantsed.

(h) Your opinion is pants.

👍2011 👎615

The Pants

Those floral pants a girl wears at school that makes her butt look huge.

GOD Damnnnnnn, she brought out "the pants" again.

👍119 👎27

The Pants

technology for your ass.

I love my pants.

👍177 👎39

The Pants

The process to putting on pants.

I am PANTING in my room.

👍103 👎25