Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the NIN?

The logo of Nine Inch Nails, with a reversed second 'N'. Short form slang popularized by parents and those who didn't realise the letters stood for something. 'Nails' is the appropriate short form.

"What is 'NIN?" asked his mother.

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the NIN - video


The NIN - what is it?

A shortened version of the word nincompoop, ninja, and a euphemism for the "N" word.

If you don't feel comfortable using this word, don't say it. Simple.

"Dude, what's wrong with you? Why are you acting like such a nin? You dunce, irritating, piece of human garbage, I strongly dislike you and I wish you would change for the better."

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What does "the NIN" mean?

a close friend or someone you enjoy

β€œI love my nin” β€œthats my nin”

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The NIN - what does it mean?

A man/woman whose neck and chin are in such close proportions that there is no clearly defined beginning and/or end.

Look at that nin in the coner; she looks like a fat version of Beaker from the Muppets.

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The NIN - meaning

Short form of Nine inch Nails, Influencial and prodigious musical group, almost always written in all caps.

I like to listen to NIN while i think about killing myself.

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The NIN - definition

Trent Reznor (b. Michael Trent Reznor, 17 May,1965, Mercer, Pennsylvania, USA) is a multi- instrumentalist, vocalist, and the creative force behind "Nine Inch Nails." Reznor began the recording as NIN on 1988 in a local Cleveland Recording Studio. As the founder of NIN, he is also the only official member. NIN's music straddles a wide range of genres, it is mainly industrial and/or is usually retaining a characteristic sound using electronic instruments and processing. The Nine Inch Nails' logo, which consists of the letters NIИ was inspired by Tibor Kalman's typography on the Talking Heads album Remain in Light.

Top 5 greatest NIN songs (my opinion): 5. Gone, Still Still 4. La Mer Fragile 3. Leaving Hope Still 2. And All That Could Have Been Still 1. Adrift And At Peace Still
The brackets are for the album of the specific song.

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The NIN - slang

abreviation for "nine inch nails", a totally awesome band.

have you downloaded that new NIN song yet?

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Short term for Nine Inch Nails. It is a very popular rendition of Industrial music which is almost completely run by music god Trent Reznor.

"Dude, NIN is by far greater than that poser crap you listen to Eddy. What was it again? KoRn?"

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A term signifying agreement. Nin Nin doesn't actually have a specific definition it's just used at random moments to break the silence, piss people off by chanting like the you belong to a cult of douches and just agreeing about things with other people.

Nin Nin is often believed to be a bastardized ninja.

Spermswamp's Fermented Anal Nectar has to be the fucking most original song.

Nin Nin.

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v. To sneak; to attempt to move in a stealthy manner, usually poorly. From "ninja" and Flonne in Disgaea.

"I should not have to nin-nin-nin my goddamn cursor past a rollover popup just to read my mail."

"He nin-nin-nin-ed his way past me...right until he fell down the stairs."

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