Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Malik?

A half white and black male ,who loves playing basketball. And gets all the arabic girls but his heart only belongs to one girl he has an eye on. He has lots of siblings he cares for , very funny ,and doesn’t take shit seriously.

“that guy is such a malik

“you’re dating a malik?! he’s a keeper

👍71 👎29

the Malik - video


The Malik - what is it?

1. An Arabic name that basicaly means 'King'.

2. Also the name of a character off of the anime/manga, Yugioh. But this characters name is also spelled Marik or Maliku.

I can't really think of an example of the word 'Malik'. Sorry.

👍1635 👎1031

What does "the Malik" mean?

an arabic word meaining ruler or king... often a name or surname... in some cases often pronounced maleek in america usually

" Mr Malik your appointment is next"
" Sheikh Malik"
" yo do you know that kid X Malik, his name means he's the King!"

Often in the black american muslim society the name Malik is pronounced as Maleek.. for example in the american black comedy sitcoms..

👍1017 👎557

The Malik - what does it mean?

Honestly, Malik is one of the most amazing people you will ever meet. Contrary to previous definition, he is nothing like a bad Canadian haircut with a machine gun, though he is attractive and smart. Well versed in all area of world culture, he is an expert conversationalist. Engaging, respectful, intelligent and thoughtful, a chat with Malik can make you feel like you ARE somebody.

Girl: I love talking with Malik! He's such an amazing person, and our talks always make me feel GREAT!

👍831 👎345

The Malik - meaning

Malik is a very sexy male he loves his family and he is a king of Nigeria All the girls swarm him He only like 1 girl

Malik is cool

👍95 👎29

The Malik - definition

A warm hearted man. Values his family over everything and will do anything for them. Loves sports! Is considered to have genius level Iq. Some look at him as cocky but thats just self confidence. Can be very open about how he feels or unemotional. Dedicated to a girl when he's with her. Doesn't fall easy. Only wants the best for the people he cares about and always strives for success.

Dang your ridiculous, you just did a malik!

👍1707 👎661

The Malik - slang

Is Afro-American.
Has a 8 inch penis.

Gets all of the white bitches.

White girl: Malik can I suck yo dick.

Malik: Well damn go ahead.

👍1099 👎405

The Malik

A sexy guy of mixed ethnic background with a great smile and nice body, often well-endowed, but also pretty smart and good personality too. A warm hearted man. Values his family over everything and will do anything for them. Loves sports! Is considered to have genius level Iq. Some look at him as cocky but thats just self confidence. Can be very open about how he feels or unemotional. Dedicated to a girl when he's with her. Doesn't fall easy. Only wants the best for the people he cares about and always strives for success.

Girl: I love talking with Malik! He's such an amazing person, and our talks always make me feel GREAT!

👍669 👎161

The Malik

fine looking guy and the best person you would ever meet

malik is fine

👍467 👎107

The Malik

malik means "king" a strong and powerful leader

Malik is a good leader.

👍1191 👎215