Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Crosby?

1.A very degrading term that basically means you a whiny little bitch.

2.Cry baby

3. Suck at life

John: Hey did you see that kid cry because i got away with a slash

Alex: ya hes such a crosby

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the Crosby - video


The Crosby - what is it?

1)As in Sidney Crosby, 2)a move in hockey where the puck is brought back with the heel of the stick and fliped on to the top of the blade

although Crosby is not the inventor of this move he did make it famous

"He Pulled a Crosby"

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What does "the Crosby" mean?

A Crosbie is when you set up to win in a game or life but end up failing miserably.

Example 'rolling a 1 when you needed a 2 or higher'

Oh no I have done a Crosbie

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The Crosby - what does it mean?

(n) 1. A baby penguin.

The zoo was over populated by crosby's.

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The Crosby - meaning

1) as in Sidney Crosby 2) a synonym for stupid, gay, or unfair for no apparent reason.

1) I hate snow. It's so Crosby.
2) The referee is being so Crosby!

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The Crosby - definition

A little boy who loves Ben Simmons and likes his bbq sauce on his titties but is a very loyal companion

Ben Simmons is scared of his biggest fan Crosbie

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The Crosby - slang

The Sweetest Guy Around. He has the most ADORABLE Little Face and Eyes. He Makes a great friend and a spouse. He will Gladly stick up for anyone that is sad. And Will Never Reject anyones Friendship. He Is Generally Tall And Dark Haired and wears a jacket close to his favorite shirt.

Man, I Wish I Knew A Crosby.
I Know Right! Doesn't he Just Have The Cutest Looking Babyface Ever?

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The Crosby

"To Crosbie" implies a delightful, if unexpected, mindfuck.

I just Crosbied a girl I use to date.

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The Crosby

Crosbie is a beautiful young woman. She is sophisticated and awesome. Crosbie does good in all that she does. Perfect like a flower.

Person #1: Crosbie just helped the homeless and did her model shoot in one day
Person #2: Crosbie is just a perfect human being

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The Crosby

The act of kicking one leg out in the air, throwing your fists out in the air and doing a pelvic thrust, while yelling "Fuck Yeah."

Demonstrated by Sidney Crosby when he returned November 21, 2011 and scored his first goal.

Mark celebrated his new promotion by crosbying.

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