Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Belt?

duke depp / willy wonka tiktoks louis vuitton belt

“do you guys like my belt my dear children?” - willywonkatiktok showing the belt in his live 🙄🤚

👍43 👎13

the Belt - video


The Belt - what is it?

A stage of drunkenness between hammered and shit-faced. Not full blacked out but passes browning out.

Matt was Belted last night

👍25 👎11

What does "the Belt" mean?

1. typically a leather strap used to tighten pants
2. to smack or hit someone
3. to have a belt - is to drink a swig of hard alcohol
4. a wide path i.e. bible belt

I will belt you upside your head if you look at my ladies teats one more time!

👍435 👎147

The Belt - what does it mean?

A competition between male roommates (use of an actual title belt is encouraged) in which the winner is the first to sleep with two women at the same time while still in accordance with the following rules:
1. The aggragate age of all participants must be under 83
2. The aggragate weight of all participants must be under 400 lbs.
3. Are you paying these women? honest.
4. Use of tequilla and the "mortality angle" are allowed.

"Dude, I can't figure out which one is the third wheel."
"Oh, my God...It's a tricycle!"
"It's time, I have been chosen...I'm going for The Belt."

👍285 👎73

The Belt - meaning

the way to keep children in line

son, do you want me to get out the belt?

👍973 👎271

The Belt - definition

A singing technique used when a singer sings high notes in their chest voice. Should only be done by trained singers as improper belting can hurt the vocal chords.

Have you heard Indina Menzel belting in Wicked? She belts her face off!

👍191 👎37

The Belt - slang

A great force only to be used by parents.

Billy's Mom: Why did I find PornHub on your search history?

Billy: M-mom-


👍63 👎13

The Belt

A weapon that has been used to give pain among the heroes of this world that helps learn discipline and value upon the arse that is smacked

HARDER DADDY oh give the values of life with the belt

👍141 👎23

The Belt

the thing dads use to whoop their children

people like whooping me with a belt

👍421 👎37

The Belt

A tear or rip in the crotch area of a pair of trousers of which is so severe, is starts from the belt and ends at the belt.

(Chloe leans over to pick up her broken flower pot)


Oh no! Belt to belt!!

(She holds her crotch in shame)

👍49 👎15