Definder - what does the word mean?

What is teezie?

an arabic term meaning "lick my ass"
usually used as a insult or to convey shock

mo: look at that bitch she a 10/10
ahmed: el7as teezy she looks shit

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teezie - meme gif

teezie meme gif

teezie - video


Teezie - what is it?

A known Staten Island rapper, who is known for his amazing rhymes from the 314,303. He is the CEO of clothing brand and is a talented person in other things. He happens to be Filipino , smart , and dresses in all the freshest clothes such as Bape, Supreme , Diamond and much more. He is a quiet kid , but a really nice one and outgoing person outside of school. Constantly says "Hann" and "pretty legit if you ask me" if a non-annoying way.

person 1:Hey did you hear the new Tape Teezy mixtape?

person 2: Yeah , He reps the Shaolin island

TapeTeezy: Pretty Legit if you ask me...

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What does "teezie" mean?


yo man that verse was teezy

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Teezie - what does it mean?


yo boo , i ain't goin wit u no mo'! Nah I'm playin! Teezy ain't i?

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Teezie - meaning

Tight / Teasy, like teasing / chill

Yo dis guy's teezy!
Hey yo stop being teezy...
Aiight G! Dats teezy!

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Teezie - definition

a state of delusion, characterized by the conviction that your thesis and your teez are one and the same.

I can't believe my Teezis is due next week!


i hate teezis.

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Teezie - slang

The act of skipping out on company quizzo to have sex with every participants' spouse.

While we were playing quizzo, Dan was pulling a Teezy on our husbands and wives.

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Too Easy;
No Problem;

Yo' that test was so teezy.

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a black n mild filter tip (ft) a common slang word for a filtered black n mild in columbus ohio

Guy 1: aye dawg let me freak that teezy
Guy 2: ight shit here you go my g

👍25 👎11


Usually a person with a lot of bandz fucks a lot of females but if you the one for him he would settle down teezie got the streets on lock keep 2 glocks an never duck the opps

Goofy: teezie I heard you still fucking my girl

Teezie : never love em never trust em just lust em so u can bust em

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