Definder - what does the word mean?

What is technology's?

I hate tech it makes me get crippling depression

I hate Technology

👍25 👎11

technology's - meme gif

technology's meme gif

technology's - video


Technology's - what is it?

n. anything that was invented after you were born

"I love technology."

"Technology is killing me."

👍289 👎227

What does "technology's" mean?

The reason the human race most likely will come to an end.

Technology such as wifi (5G radiation), A.I.

👍39 👎15

Technology's - what does it mean?

When something is updated to keep up with current technology.

"Did you see that new car that can park itself?"

"Yea it is so technologized."

"Is that the new iPhone?"

"Yeah, I figured I'd get technologized."

👍31 👎11

Technology's - meaning

Something that will eventually destroy society, make obesity the new "average" weight, and cause mass unemployment.

Damn technology.

👍201 👎103

Technology's - definition

The best f--king thing ever!
Nobody in the new generation can live witoutit

Bob the reporter- Hey kid do you have technology?
Kid- Yes! Duh! I cannot live withoutit!
(Real fact said by child)

👍61 👎23

Technology's - slang

in economics: not a resource, but part of the production process. Anything that increases the performance of an resource without the change in resources.

In war, a country with the comparitive advantage in national defense, has a greater availability of technology that increases their performance without the need of a large quantity of troops.

👍119 👎45


1) The application of science, math, engineering, art, and other fields of knowledge to create tools and implementations deemed useful by a society.

2) Anything that has to do with computers. Often misused by stupid people and corporations that market to said stupid people.

During the 20th century, humanity demonstrated that it had achieved the technology to leave its home planet's atmosphere, land on and explore its moon, and return safely to its homeworld.

The latest technology is Blu-ray.

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To have a lot of knowledge about technology

that guy is more "technologeable" than Bill Gates

👍37 👎11


A song by Daft Punk used to infer the radical evolutionary change society has taken towards a more technological world... Technologic, the technology and industrial logic behind the technology (Derrived from technological)

What, you havn't looked at our technologic society these days?

Mobile phones have become part of our technological civilization

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