Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tasty cake's?

messing with people by throwing tasty-cake items at cars in the drive thru at mcdonals from a wooded are and having the cops called on you.

last night we almost got busted for tasty-caking by the cops running away from the mcdonalds

👍25 👎15

tasty cake's - video


Tasty cake's - what is it?

During sex you pull your partners eyelids to the side and shove their face into some Tasty Cakes. Then you cum on their upper lip then draw your cum into a fo-man-Chu mustache. Then put their face into the freezer so it hardens.

I gave your mom a Tiwanese Tasty Cake last night.

👍69 👎41

What does "tasty cake's" mean?

1. n. Slang term used to describe attractive people, usually boys; term of endearment similar to 'hunny' or 'cutie pie'.
2. n. Little Debbie 'tulip cakes'

Anna-Maria: "look at the tastie cakes in that car!"
Robertine: "let's flash them"

👍27 👎15

Tasty cake's - what does it mean?

Where the woman lies on her back. Then the guy takes a dump on their chest. He then he ejaculates on the poo. Then takes a piss. Making a layered cake.

Oh Lacroix please give me one of ur tasty cakes.

👍89 👎171

Tasty cake's - meaning

when a man inserts cake into a woman's vagina then a naked midget eats her out while the woman is taking a shit.

lets go try a tasty cake in the bathroom.

👍53 👎67

Tasty cake's - definition

A name for an extremely attractive man

Girl 1: have you saw that guy other there?

Girl 2: Yes he's a tasty cake TeHEHE

👍25 👎11

Tasty cake's - slang

When a man ejaculates into a woman's anus, and she immediately shits out a cum swirrled poop log, resembling a swiss cake roll.

I had to stop myself from packaging that tasty cake she just gave birth to.

👍55 👎39

Tasty cake's

delicious weed

Let's have some tasty cakes in Kai's room, 8pm tonight.

👍81 👎51

Tasty cake's

The name given to the weakest person in a cabin or group that is sexually abused by the others

"Did you see that tasty cakes in cabin 4?!"

"i want a peice of tasty cake's ass"

👍121 👎85